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The message of the Oath Keepers organization was always one of fidelity to our sovereign nation the US Constitution and the oath to “protect and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic”.

This is the same oath that members of our military, police, state and federal elected officials are required to take prior to serving or holding public office. Pretty simple idea really; too bad that the Marxists within academia, mainstream media and the Deep State government want to destroy any adherents to that basic and patriotic standard.

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Guest: Elias Alias ~ Founding member Oath Keepers Board of directors (6 years) and Oath Keepers national website editor in chief (7 years); Resigned Oath Keepers 2016.  Book: Oath Keepers: TARGETED RED

Guest: Bobby Kinch ~ The founder and president of the newly reorganized Oath Keepers USA.  This group is recently incorporated and has a Board of Directors.  Their structure is a bit modified from Stewart Rhodes' organizational structure and will be operated with much more transparency and will work with the former OathKeepers State and National Membership to reconstitute a holographic organization with fidelity to our US Constitution and the republic for which it stands.

Guest: Michael (Mike) Nichols is an Army veteran, volunteer firefighter, retired police Sergeant ~ Investigating and documenting the true events of January 6th 2021, helping investigative journalists, the J6 political prisoners, and Americans alike discover the truth.

Guest: David Sumrall ~ Created in 1992.  David has been identifying and documenting the facts behind the Capitol Rally.  His documentary movies are being widely viewed despite efforts to ban and censor it by big media and social media.  Support J6 Political Prisoners and their Families – buy this book The American Gulag Chronicles: Letters From Prison


The demonization of anyone calling themselves Oath Keepers started early in the Obama Administration when Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano at the suggestion of The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put together her official list of domestic extremist groups including Ron Paul supporters, people identified as constitutionists, OathKeepers and virtually all others believing that government was meant to serve the people, not the other way around.

This was the essence of “the fundamental transformation of America” that Barack Heussein Obama brought with his utopian vision for a new socialist/Marxist America. During his first 8 years in office, Obama installed a Deep State leadership cabal to transform the 3rd rail of government (the administrative state) into a force openly hostile to anything traditionally American.

Racism, sexism, and many other isms including globalism were ramped up to became cancers during his watch. What was billed as the most inclusive and open administration ever became the most secretive and openly hostile administration to those not sharing his Marxist ideology. The 2020 (s)election allowed Obama to continue his reign for an unconstitutional third term in office running the White House and his sock puppet China Joe Obiden from his residence in DC.

Our great republic is facing an enemy from within that would have been unthinkable two generations ago. After years of communist indoctrination in the open sewer known as public education and social media; we have lost many of our youth to the ideology of radical leftists who have imbedded themselves into influential sectors of American culture.

In the past 80 years America grew soft, complacent, and lazy. We assumed that our elected leaders would honor their oath of office, spending little or no time as voters studying the candidates or the issues. Most Americans were too busy earning a living to pay attention to the real issues facing America……..and the mainstream media were more than willing to provide the mind mush and outright lies that have become the nightly news.

Our elected officials became more concerned about getting re-elected to their very lucrative and self important positions of power and soon learned that playing Santa Claus with other people's money was the surest way to get re-elected……especially if they pushed the reality of paying the bills down the road for future generations to deal with later. They became purveyors of socialist dogma and gradually replaced rule of law with control by the ruling class (those elected and appointed to positions of power).

America went from a land of opportunity and personal responsibility to a land of false promises, victimhood and envy of others in a matter of three generations…….and the enormity of our problems are only now beginning to be exposed!

We can no longer depend on a government of, by, and for the people…………certainly not to protect our lives, liberty and property. The government put in place by the radical leftists have turned personal responsibility and self respect into a crime to be punished by internment, re-education or elimination at their whim.

It is no accident that the communist funded Antifa and BLM groups demanded the disbanding of the police as they conducted riots, looting and community destruction while leftist politicians placated and condoned the most vile and destructive behavior as “social justice”.

The ANTIFA/BLM “Summer of love” resulted in enormous property destruction and brutality that was completely swept under the rug, while Jan 6 participants received Gestapo like treatment and unreasonable criminal sentences by FBI and Justice Officials for demanding Congressional oversight into thousands of eye witness accounts of election fraud.

In their rush to “fundamentally transform America into their Marxist utopia the leftists have gone to far!

It is time for a new and dedicated group of true Oath Keepers to stand for liberty and justice for all by reaffirming fidelity to our common oath to protect and defend our nation and Constitution against all enemies foreign and (especially) DOMESTIC.

Powerful forces for totalitarian government have fundamentally transformed America from a republic to a Marxist technocracy.

These Marxists include many of the people that are in the elective office that required that oath and have violated it at every opportunity. I guess that makes sense when we finally admit that our country is now controlled by Marxists and One Worlders that hate the US Constitution and the idea of national sovereignty.

The announcement by the FBI that MAGA people and Trump supporters are officially being classified as “domestic terrorists”, is a clear indicator of how far off the rails our national justice and policing agencies really are.

They are picking this fight to show Americans how powerless we are and to intimidate and bully those resisting oppression into submission to a police state system they control.  I don't think it will work as well today because of recent disclosure of numerous over-the-top Deep State scams perpetrated on the American people.

Thanks to the Congressional Select Committee on the Weaponization of Government, these abuses of authority are finally seeing the light of day. The American people are naive and far too trusting of government, but they are not stupid.

The Deep State Globalists have gone to the well of deceit a few too many times recently and Americans are finally waking up by the tens of millions. Global Marxism is in deep trouble and its promoters are in an absolute panic trying to cover their tracks while at the same time trying to ratchet up their totalitarian control.


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