Most of us are familiar with the phrase ” like a canary in a coal mine” but how many of us really understand what it means, or recognize the warning signs of imminent disaster, as America's canaries die by the dozens while our cherished institutions fall by the wayside.
If we fail to heed the many warnings of economic, societal and moral decay, we may loose the last best hope for the human race. We must defend the American republic; created in God's image with unalienable rights to life, liberty and property. Pay close attention to the few remaining live canaries.
Connecting the Dots Audio
Guest: Charles Garner is an author, curriculum designer, and teacher to the church. He holds a BA in Biblical Studies and Social Science with a Masters in Religious Education with emphasis in Biblical Exegesis and Theology. He has authored, edited or designed over fifty resources and books for use in the Christian community. His works include Gifts of Grace, Teaching to Make a Difference, Reclaiming the Real Jesus, and co-authored Thinking of Leaving with Dr. Ivan Parke. His most recent work, Canary in a Coal Mine Hope for a Culture in Free Fall. Co-authored with Dr. John Powers.
Connecting the Dots Video
Most Americans have become inured to political deception by decades of leftist propaganda and assurances by corrupt leaders who will do just about anything to hide the mess they've created; mostly by their fiscal incompetence and decades of moral, political, and ethical malfeasance.
Elected officeholders have long since transgressed from short term positions of public esteem for true statesmen to lifetime careers for (s)elected professional politicians, hand picked by a powerful few to acquire, maintain, and exercise totalitarian control over Americans from cradle to grave.
We are in a very real war against truly evil forces for the heart and soul of humanity and, despite our many problems, America is still the last best hope for humanity.
The forces we are aligned against see a freedom centered Christian America as the most formidable barrier to their goal of a Marxist, technocratic, feudalistic, society.
Since individual rights to life, liberty and property were conceived by our founding fathers as a biblical prerogative called unalienable rights, American Christians following the U.S. Constitution must be destroyed for this plan to succeed.
The world the Global Elite envision will be without a soul and without enlightenment or salvation. We must not fail to stand as beacons of freedom and worthy stewards of our Christian faith.
As proof of this malevolence we see daily attacks on our most cherished national institutions and the collectivist WOKE indoctrination and moral decay within the academic establishment tasked with the education of our youth.
Children are forbidden from praying in school, but are required at a very young age to learn about the societal approval and desirability of living a homosexual lifestyle. We are told that to be moral and Christian is intolerance, while every bizarre subculture and abhorrent behavior is to be cherished as socially just, inclusive, politically correct, and tolerant of others.
Communist organizations such as Antifa and BLM that create turmoil and chaos are given a free pass to loot, murder, and destroy, while patriotic Americans are called domestic terrorists and organizations like the Boy and Girl Scouts are treated as social pariahs. What's wrong with this picture?
Why have we allowed our basic institutions to become so totally corrupted by Woke ideology, especially when it becomes obvious their sole purpose is to create chaos within our moral society and to undermine our lawful constitutional government?
The role of the dollar and America's economic continuum as the international reserve currency are at risk in a world skeptical of our national good intentions and alarmed by the weaponization of our national currency against political opponents.
Our national debt stands at 34 + trillion dollars growing exponentially as we near the point of being unable to pay interest only, let alone to pay down the debt. Moreover, our long term debt on unfunded liabilities exceeds 5 years of total national income (GDP), nearing $138 trillion dollars.
Did I mention that the US taxpayers and your progeny are on the hook for every penny should we default on that debt?
Under current U.S. laws the central banksters at the Federal Reserve and their member banks will be made whole by federal banking laws that hand them everything we Americans thought we owned?
We need to expose the lies of the globalist controllers and understand that the moral, spiritual and physical survival of the human race is at stake.
The Power Elite and their Satanic allies in the Marxist/collectivist, radical “Green” movement see humans as a plague on the earth and just another biological accident; creatures to be exploited and controlled by an enlightened few that have a superior intellect/ insight and are somehow endowed with the right to choose who lives and dies……and how they live and die!!
They will seldom admit it, but most globalists truly despise humanity and are the ultimate “hate group”, working tirelessly to segregate and divide people and ideologies with the ultimate purpose of total control of humanity through indoctrination, intimidation and psychological isolation.
Karl Marx was a Satanist and wrote a play dedicated to Lucifer as well as dozens of other writings exposing his hatred for humanity; writings that have been hidden for more than a century by communist intelligentsia…….for obvious reasons.
To claim that Marx is a savior of the working man and strived only to create an open and truly equitable society of mankind would not sell very well if his Satanic roots were exposed to the world.
We have a choice; do we stand and fight for what we know to be moral, truthful and worthy of God's blessing, or do we walk meekly down the path of totalitarianism like so many sheep to the slaughter.
The Founding Fathers gave us a unique system of liberal constitutional government based on unalienable rights to life, liberty and property, giving us the tools to maintain our liberty.
Why do we consistently fail to use them? Why have we elected to ignore the dead and dying American canaries in the coal mine of American exceptionalism?
If we fail to heed the many warnings of economic, societal and moral decay, we may loose the last best hope for the human race. We must defend the American republic; created in God's image with unalienable rights to life, liberty and property. Pay close attention to the few remaining live canaries.
We ignore the death of the canary in the coal mine of American independence based in Christian faith at our own peril.