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America has been living The Truman Show for decades as culture, economy, and morality collapses around us. Wakeup America!

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Guest: Dr Lee Merritt (The Medical Rebel)

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Sometimes it feels like we are living in a parallel universe where everything is a reverse image of reality and upside down. Free speech that was acceptable just a few years ago is labeled as hate speech and normal displays of patriotism are now called domestic terrorism.

The new normal is abnormal and communism is taught in our public schools as the preferred alternative to free market capitalism which is now called unbridled greed and selfishness.

The most free and anti-racist nation on earth is now labled as the most racist and any white male is called systemically racist regardless his actions or beliefs. Marriage between a man and a woman is called homophobic and pedophilia is being normalized by the LBGTQ lobby and the UN as a natural right of children.

Was the Truman Show really a political parody or a roadmap for the 21st Century?

When our lying eyes and ears no longer represent truth and the common sense God gave us, maybe it's time to question who's writing the script.

Could it be that we really are living in the MATRIX after all, and our lives are 100% illusion. Acceptance of absolute fools, crooks and liars as leaders seems like a test to see how controllable and willfully ignorant the average citizen is; sadly we seem to fail the test every time.

How many phony false flag wars and bloodlettings must we accept before we realize that we are pawns in a very nasty game of chess between megalomaniacs hell bent on control and eventual extermination of most of the human race.

Are there entire cultures that wish to destroy the “Great Satan” or bring America to it's knees economically?  Absolutely, but we created virtually everyone through bad foreign or economic policy.

The Founding Fathers were brilliant in their understanding of human nature, central banks, and international entanglements through treaties; enshrining God's Law not man's law into The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution.

They knew that if not for International Central Banksters and their political lapdogs, there would be no wars of consequence beyond local skirmishes between warlords, and even they would end if we would learn to live by the Ten Commandments.

As Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler exposed in his book War is a Racket, the invisible controllers behind the curtain bankroll, control and manipulate everything that “happens”, for fun and profit.

The war in Ukraine is like the Tar-Baby in Uncle Remus stories, and Americans are the last people needing to embroil themselves in another political Tar-Baby to sully our image or deplete our national treasure. If not for the CIA, DARPA, the DOD, political puppeteering and a history of US political broken promises, the mess in Ukraine would never have happened and consequently millions of Russians and Ukrainians would be much happier and most likely, still living in peace.

And, if that isn't bad enough, now we are being sucked into the Israeli/Gaza Tar-Baby that might just escalate into World War III. Evidence is clear that the Israeli/Hamas coordinated attack was part of another false flag event to justify the end to Palestinian occupation of Gaza and the removal of 2.5 million Palestinian people from the last remnant of homeland that they occupied for at least 2 thousand years.

For three centuries the British Empire controlled much of the world, but as their power waned through their own arrogance and military overreach, their Rothschild controlled bankster class gained full control of American finance through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and we became a British surrogate of the 20th/21st Century political intrigue called The Royal Institute of International Affairs and British Roundtable Group.

In 1917 the British Balfour Declarations established a Zionist homeland in Palestine and following WWI, the Allied victors carved up the former Ottoman Empire into individual nation states that represent much of the current Middle East. Most anti-Semitism that exists is a consequence of British and French manipulation of borders and homelands following World War One and the redefining of Zionism into Judism.

Fast forward to the 21st Century and China is the new bully on the block, but they would not exist as a real threat if not for the Rockefeller/Rothschild orchestrated transfer of most American industrial might to China. International banksters have profited from trillions of dollars of cheap/slave labor and the ongoing destruction of the all too powerful and independent American middle-class.

Oligarchs and Globalists love Marxism/communism, but only as a means to an end. The end is the destruction of liberty, property and personal responsibility because independent and free people are not easily controlled, and certainly won't willingly accept life in a 21st Century police state.

The Global Elite seek a return to feudalism and that can't happen until all civil society is collapsed and replaced with totalitarian control.

We have been had again, this time by promises of cheap consumer products and an easy lifestyle. Americans were told we had nothing to fear; that everyone would have white collar jobs and our economy would boom without those nasty blue collar jobs being transferred to communist and third world countries.

Meanwhile, our national debt skyrocketed, unemployment soared and inflation has devastated our economy. When will we learn to see with our lying eyes and listen with our lying ears. Isn't it time to stop living in the Truman Show and start living in the real world… won't happen until we WAKE UP AMERICA!!

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