When the leading citizens of the American Colonies declared independence from the British Commonwealth in the summer of 1776, few in America and around the world thought that the Colonies stood much of a chance against the most formidable military power in the world. Most thought the notion of individual liberty and property rights free of the control of a monarch was a quaint pipe dream with little chance of ever becoming reality. However, a handful (roughly 3-5%) of the population were so convinced that a republic of free men was possible that they were willing to take up arms and fight against their Mother Country to win that freedom. The Signers of The Declaration of Independence knew that they were risking everything on the altar of individual liberty and that their signatures would be declared an act of treason against the Crown, subject to the ultimate punishment; death by hanging.
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Guest: Mark Sutherland – Founder – Creative Hub Productions. Movie Producer, Political Analyst and Public Speaker born and raised in the United Kingdom, Mark has been involved in the Television and film industry in various roles in the U.K. since 1992, making drama for the BBC, ITV and CH4. His latest short drama about communism has been in 3 U.S. film festivals; Maryland Film Festival, The Miami Film Festival, and Wasteland Festival LA.
Guest: Dr. Harry Booyens is an internationally recognized, multiple award winning PhD Defense & Aerospace physicist. He is originally from South Africa with a 360-year bloodline in that country. He has worked in Research and Development in South Africa, the United States, and Canada. His book AmaBhulu – The Birth and Death of the Second America explains the parallels between the settlement of South Africa and America.
(Full Guest Bio's at bottom of post)
What motivated wealthy men to risk everything in this way? Why would a rag-tag band of farmers, laborers, merchants and clergy leave their wives and children behind to fight in a war with so little chance of victory? Was the American dream of a world free of government interference and outside control really feasable? Could individuals own property and the fruits of their labor? Enough thought the dream to be worthy, that they put everything on the line to see it become reality. Although America's birth would not be without hiccups and many events that challenged our idealism, the world looked to the American constitutional republican form of government as the beacon of hope for freedom loving people everywhere.
Almost immediately, forces were working to destroy the ideas of American liberty, individual rights, free speech, private property, and personal responsibility. Before the ink was dry on the founding documents, agents of collectivism were at work undermining and circumventing our laws, trying to destroy us from within. This was not a rapid transformation, and although we managed to survive as a republic for the first 130 tumultuous years, the last 100+ year campaign of bureaucratic control, media propaganda aimed at our adult population, simultaneously coordinated with the indoctrination of our youth through a public education system controlled by atheists and Marxist ideologues has “fundamentally transformed” America from a constitutional republic into a Marxist technocracy run by the global elite.
It took 230 years, but the collectivists have succeeded in all but destroying our republic from within by leveraging our cherished freedoms to destroy our cherished freedoms, and most Americans have been so dumbed down that they did not see it happening. Complacency has replaced patriotism as the noteworthy characteristic of being an American in the 21st Century.
So here we are, right back where we started in 1776, only now the tyranny is total and quite extraordinary because of the advanced technology that can track our every movement, controlling our lives from cradle to grave. Our challenge is more important than ever before because the limited government that we formed to free ourselves from tyranny has grown into a leviathan that is a thousandfold more dangerous and lethal to the concept of individual liberty than King George could even conceive, and this leviathan was suckled on the mother's milk of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights while destroying us from within like a cancer. How could we allow this to happen?
As John Adams so astutely observed; “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Has our heritage of liberty and private property made us so morally/intellectually/spiritually bankrupt that we have facilitated our own destruction? Some would say that is exactly the situation, but we still have many of the tools to turn the ship of state around. Will we choose to do so?
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This Weeks Guest Profile(s)
In 2016, Mark entered the most important political event in recent UK history, producing and directing “Flexcit the Movie“: The Definitive EU EXIT Plan.
Inspired by his passion for the United States, Mark teamed up with writer director Ted Wilk
of Bottle Rocket Films and produced the short film “Between Lambs and Lions”, a political thriller set against a dystopian future where the United States Constitution is null and void and the Star Spangled Banner assigned to a museum.
Mark sees many parallels between the election of President Trump and the Brexit battle occurring in the U.K., and has been interviewed on various independent media sites in the Unites States such as John B. Well’s Caravan to Midnight, Connecting the Dots with Dan Happel, Southern Sense Talk Radio, Hear the Watchman and Calvary Chapel, as well as being a regular contributor to Politics Today on Revelation TV in the U.K.
Mark has a background in education, having used his practical skills to teach in the U.K. Senior High Schools for 14 years prior to his career in movie production.
Website: https://hbooyens.wordpress.com/
Book: AmaBhulu
Youtube: AmaBhulu
Disclaimer: Views expressed by our guests are not to be considered as endorsed by Dan Happel, producers, sponsors and The Patriot Soapbox Network. We strive to make all information truthful and informative to our listeners, but do not suppress the right of our guests to express views that may not be in conformity with mainstream opinion. We urge our listeners to check out the information for themselves to discern the truth.