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Years of political gaslighting and increasingly obvious attacks on free speech by Big Tech, Social, and Mainstream Media must be exposed.

Connecting the Dots Audios

Guest: Jason Fyk ~
In 2010 Jason Fyk ventured into the business world of social media. Realizing the advertising potential of the platform, Fyk created a series of popular pages on Facebook which regularly published content related to pop culture and comedy. At the height of Fyk’s success, his pages held over 38 million followers and brought in over $300,000 per month from brand partnerships and advertising. Overnight, on October 19, 2016, Facebook pulled the plug – taking 14 million fans away by unpublishing 6 of his pages. Fyk was told that Facebook would not restore his pages.

Connecting the Dots Video


To understand the disastrous political and societal climate that defines 2024 America the oft quoted axiom of “follow the money” is a sensible way to identify the source of the problem. In retrospect, it also seems to explain why the political process is irreparably compromised and must be completely revamped if we are to ever again see a government “of, by and for the people”.

Just as Barack Obama “fundamentally transformed” the American Administrative Branch of government (the swamp) by filling top Cabinet level and Department Head positions with Marxist fellow travelers, freedom loving Americans must expose and invalidate this subterfuge and the network of enormously wealthy men that have orchestrated the “fundamental transformation” of social media (the internet) into a system of censorship and cronyism unrecognizable to most of freedom lovers.

Counterintuitively; many donors of left wing political causes are the wealthiest capitalists in the Big Tech/Social Media sector, representing a neo- fascist (national socialist) polity that is no less an enemy of liberty than communism (international socialism).

The ultimate loser in this battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of average Americans, is our right to freely choose our representation for elective office.

Ignorance, mind control, and outright fraud have become the political dynamic shaping modern elections. Until we identify and expose the unwarranted economic ties to the political process, true freedom will continue to be crushed between the ideologically opposed but equally destructive forces of international and national socialism.

The 2020 General Election and 2022 Mid-term Elections, exposed Americans to a high level of political corruption.

Big Tech, Social Media and Mainstream Media have joined forces to promote a new form of fascism where officials in government do the bidding of corporate interests for political contributions. Not just any corporate interests; mainly those with international money and influence to contribute to the campaigns of their political minions and destroy political opponents. Although this interference might be obvious to the politically astute, it is surreptitiously applied in ways that are often difficult to expose and even more difficult to counteract.

Time Reporter Molly Ball in the February 4, 2020 issue of Time Magazine openly bragged about “The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”. In an unprecedented display of we stole the election hubris, Ball outlined a conspiracy of coordinated actions by power elite Social Media activists and uniparty political establishment insiders to steal the election and end Trump's “America First” Presidency. Shockingly she did it without so much as a glimmer of remorse to the American voters who just witnessed the last nail in the coffin of representative elected government.

According to Ball, social media giant, Mark Zuckerberg among others, pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into programs meant to manipulate the outcome of the election, then shadow banned and censored researchers and alternative media reporters exposing the scheme after the fact.

According to Molly Ball and Time Magazine, this action was repeated nationwide on a grand scale and included a very large segment of the social media, Big Tech, and the establishment political class irrespective of political affiliation.

State Laws were circumvented and changed at will to allow millions of questionable votes to be cast using mail-in voting, same day registration, massive get out the vote efforts and many first time voting accommodations that were labeled as necessary because of the Covid Pandemic.

These “emergency measures” became law without actually being passed by State Legislatures.

This pattern was repeated in key swing states nationwide, then given the appearance of legitimacy by a progressive mainstream media that was all in on the plan to convince Americans of the “keep walking, there is nothing to see here” pitch to keep the ugly, questionable election, truth from surfacing.

Although in the short term somewhat successful, in the long term the plan hasn't worked! The tragic miscarriages of justice known as the January 6 Insurrection brought to light the double standard inherent with the Just-Us system in Washington, and films like 2,000 Mules and Police State continue to expose the many ways to steal our elections.

After the 2020 Presidential (S)election, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and other Democrats that were in 2016 outspokenly critical of the Dominion and Smart-Matic computerized voting systems, suddenly became full supporters of this technology despite clear evidence that flaws in these systems made elections easily hackable and final results unreliable.

Not everyone fell for the big lie, and some started connecting the dots between the money trails, foreign election interference, and key social media players in on this plan to control election outcomes and exclude populist Presidential candidates like Trump from holding office. According to recent polls, Trump's popularity is at all time highs, and even the most cognitively dissonant among us question the merciless attacks against the former president and over the top attempts to keep him from ever running for office ever again.

The question now before us: is America ready to wake up and realize our constitutional dilemma, demand extensive censorship reforms, and mete justifiably strict punishment for those involved in internet censorship and the illegal manipulation of public perception? Will we work to restore honest social media platforms we hold dear? Will we protect our children, grandchildren and posterity from losing their rights to uncensored free speech? The only reasonable answer is YES, WE MUST!


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