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The Montana Senatorial campaign of 2006 was the turning point for control of the United States Senate. Democrat Jon Tester won the seat over 3 term incumbent Republican Senator Conrad Burns when the DNRC spent massive amounts of cash on a very divisive campaign of attack ads and accusations against Burns that were later exposed as lies. Tester won with a very thin margin of victory, so thin that it was claimed by his friend, then Governor Sweitzer, that the victory was only achieved with a mathematically impossible 100% Democratic sweep of Montana’s 7 Indian tribal reservations.
This week’s guest, Christopher Kortlander, ran the Custer Battlefield Museum near Garryowen on the Crow Reservation and cashed a number of $40.00 checks for local tribal members that were drawn on the account of the Montana Democratic Party. When asked by Kortlander, the tribal members volunteered that the checks were paid to them as an inducement for them to get out the vote for Jon Tester and to bring their family members to the polling places as well. (picture of some these checks below) This was only one of many alarming abnormalities in the voting process on the Reservations that caused Kortlander to seek the help of the Montana Secretary of State, only to find that the State of Montana had no monitoring or oversight authority on Indian Reservations within her borders. Hear a very compelling expose’ of the theft of the whole political process by a very corrupt system of pay to play……reservation style.

Chris Kortlander is the Founding Director of the Custer Battlefield Museum and owner of the historical town of Garryowen MT where the Battle of the Little Big Horn began in 1876, the town is also the host to the TOMB of a 7th Cavalry US unknown soldier. For resurrecting the historical town received the Governors Tourism Ambassador Award.
A former Montana Law enforcement officer, he is now an outspoken advocate for victims that have been abused and threatened by Dept. of the Interior and other militarized Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.

Kortlander's book Arrow To The Heart is a must read. March 31, 2005 was a pivotal day in the life of Chris Kortlander when he received a frantic phone call informing him that Garryowen was under siege by an armed cadre of federal, state, and local police. It tells the story of the events leading up to and following that raid. Kortlander tells his personal story of devastating attacks by government agents bent on destroying his business, his health, and threatening his very freedom in a power play of retribution ultimately built around a button from an Army uniform. It puts seemingly unrelated events together to show a clear pattern of abusive persecution of our fellow Americans by federal law enforcement agents from the Department of the Interior. The book is ripe with documented facts that characterize what has become known as the “deep state” of a law enforcement bureaucracy.

Agent Wooten's Letter Nov 27,2017

Arrow to the Heart website  – Lots of good information on the abuses of the BLM and Federal government, plus information and a forward by Ammon Bundy on Chris's book “Arrow To The Heart”

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Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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