Burying a Very Crooked Hockey Stick – & exposing the evil within climate...
The climate change debate is being thrown into hyper-drive by the liberal media, progressive politicians, academia and UN funded organizations pretending to represent the...
THE GREEN NEW DEAL – the identical twin of UN Agenda21/2030?
Wait a minute; I thought Agenda 21/2030 was a right wing conspiracy theory that was made up to scare people into thinking that radical...
COP24 – How Climate Change Is Being Used To Sell The World On Communism!!
At the recent U.N. COP24 Conference in Katowice, Poland a international cast of characters spewing fear and faulty science moved forward with their plan...
GEOPOLITICS, CLIMATE SCIENCE & GLOBAL GOVERNANCE – how they plot to steal your freedom!!
Our lives are filled with the constant chatter of the mainstream media, warning us of the end of mankind if we refuse to willingly...
UNDERSTANDING GREEN ENERGY – the real costs and benefits for utility rate payers!
This week we will be revisiting the “fundamental transformation” of America’s electrical energy infrastructure with the stated goal of ending coal fired electrical generation...
The Incestuous relationships between Environmental NGOs,Tax Exempt Foundations and elected/appointed public officials
Tuesdays program will look at the Non-Governmental Organizations and Tax Exempt Foundations that are at the heart of the radical environmentalism driving sustainability policies....
The Environment Hockey Stick Theory isn’t Sticking
Our radio broadcast for Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 will feature Dr. Tim Ball to get an update on his lawsuit with Dr. Michael Mann,...
Global Warming Collusion and the Deep State
Tomorrow morning we will be doing a two part program with two special guests; Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and Lord Christopher Monckton. Dr. Roberts...
Challenging the Greenhouse Theory-Scientist Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller
Challenging the Greenhouse Theory – is conventional greenhouse theory wrong?
Tonight’s guests Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller are both noteworthy climate scientists, and both agree...
Climate Fraud Caught in the Act – Part3
When scientific evidence cannot be produced or replicated, can it really be called science??
Dr. Tim Ball is back with us this week to continue...