Sunday, January 19, 2025
Home Money / Investments Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve

a U.S. federal banking system that is under the control of a central board of governors (Federal Reserve Board) with a central bank (Federal Reserve Bank) in each of 12 districts and that has wide powers in controlling credit and the flow of money as well as in performing other functions, as regulating and supervising its member banks.


 Why We Must Return to Constitutional Money!! Over the past several months we have explored the evolution of money from constitutional money based on gold...


Last week we explored the journey from constitutional money based on gold and silver, controlled by Congress, and owned by the people; to a...

MONEY, MONEY, & MORE MONEY- how the U.S. financial system was hi-jacked and bankrupted...

The surest way to destroy a modern industrial society is to hi-jack and then destroy the monetary system of that society through policies that...

The Fed and the Trump Economic Recovery – how the Federal Reserve plays a...

Tuesday morning’s radio program will focus on the Trump economic recovery and the key role the Federal Reserve System will play. Will Fed policies...

Preserving the Trump Miracle #2

- Examining Deep State financial attacks. The Trump Administration's emphasis on America first and fair trade over free trade has put a real crimp in...

Preserving the Trump Miracle

Exposing Deep State financial attacks. The Trump Administration’s emphasis on America first and fair trade over free trade has put a real crimp in...

Deep State Collusion within the Federal Reserve System

I will be interviewing Bob Fanning and Charles Ortel in an expose’ of Deep State collusion within the Federal Reserve system and more specifically,...

The Creature From Jekyll Island and the American Ideal of Individualism

Please join me tomorrow morning, October 3rd, for my inaugural radio program with the Micro Effect Radio Network by tuning in at: at...

Sovereign Debt Funds National/International

The markets tell no lies, but bankers do! Tonight we will be talking with finance and bond expert Robert Fanning, and will be discussing the...

Money Games: The plan to steal your future!

Money, Markets, and Scam Artists in High Places!       This week we enter the world of high finance and the games being played with your money.  ...

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