David Sumrall and Tamara
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David Sumrall ~ https://stophate.com
Shatter the Illusion and Step Outside the Matrix at The Red Pill Expo
Welcome to Red Pill Expo #9, November 12th and 13th in Salt Lake City, UT. As always, we have an amazing cast of Red...
Bombshell – Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Exposing Gov/Tech State Sponsored Censorship
MUST WATCH – Dr. Shiva's Historic ongoing Lawsuit you never heard about, exposing the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) of State & Local Governments Cyber...
SELLING FREE SPEECH – and the high bidder is Communist China!!
President Donald J. Trump was the first President to point out that the mainstream media had sold out to assorted anti-American Marxist causes when...
The Las Vegas Mass Shootings – Do The Facts Add UP?
THE LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTINGS – crazed lone gunman or immense cover-up…you decide!
The mass shootings in Las Vegas have received much publicity from the...
reporting real news in a fake news world
…aka “a globalist master plan gone awry”
As a reporter for Breitbart News, Patrick Howley was...
Losing Our Republic …thru Compromise! Part 2
This week we will revisit the nation of South Africa with historian and author Harry Booyens, to analyze the political climate and societal changes...