Saturday, January 4, 2025

THE WEF & THE GREAT RESET – 01-19-2020

Podcast/Audio Download  As the 2021 World Economic Forum annual event in Davos Switzerland rapidly approaches, we are reminded of the promise of a Great Reset...

WOLVES and Other Predators – two and four legged predators threaten rural America

The misnamed re-introduction of Canadian Gray Wolves into Yellowstone Park was a scam from the very beginning. The plan was to move breeding pairs...

AMERICA’S NATIONAL FORESTS – stewardship Trumps radical environmentalism

U.S. National Forest policy has created an environmental crisis that could be easily avoided with basic stewardship and just a kernel of common sense....

The “Reintroduction” of the Predators and the threat to Farms and Ranches

 (We experienced power and severe technical difficulties this week with the broadcast and the program was cut off at the end, but the information...

Terrorist or Patriot-stand against the Federal Leviathan

Tuesdays program will be a continuation of last week’s broadcast focusing on the attacks on and dismantling of the small farm and ranch heritage...

The National Problem of Attacks on Rural America

Tomorrows program will be focusing on the attacks on and dismantling of the small farm and ranch heritage that is the cornerstone of American...

The Left’s Utopian Dream

or is sustainable development really a nightmare for America's future? Independent farmers and ranchers who produce much of America's meat supply have come under special...

Indigenous People-pawns of globalist planners

Native Americans and other indigenous people worldwide are being used as pawns in a very dangerous game by globalist planners and socialist progressives that...

War on the West – Attacks by Federal Overregulation

Our radio broadcast for Tuesday, February 27th, 2018  will feature Property Rights Attorney, Constitutional Law expert, and Wyoming Gubernatorial Candidate Harriet Hageman, and Local...

The Future of Small Independent Ranchers and Farmers in the West

I will be interviewing John Lamb and Roger Root about the Bundy Trials and the many unanswered questions that still need to be addressed. John...

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