Tuesday, February 11, 2025

AMERICA – the world is watching!

Guest: Terry D. Turchie - was the first Deputy Assistant Director of the Counter-terrorism Division of the FBI, between March 2000 and May 1,...

THE WEF & THE GREAT RESET – 01-19-2020

Podcast/Audio Download  As the 2021 World Economic Forum annual event in Davos Switzerland rapidly approaches, we are reminded of the promise of a Great Reset...

Wholesale sellout of America by Globalists

Tuesday morning’s radio program 9:00-11:00 am Mountain time will feature a special whistle blower broadcast with Mary Fanning and Alan Jones, previous guests on...

ENEMIES OF THE REPUBLIC elected and appointed

This week our broadcast will focus on the corruption of elective office and the militarization of federal land agencies for enforcement of Draconian laws that...

Giving the keys of security to our Enemies?

Tomorrow morning I will be interviewing Mary Fanning and Dr. Peter Pry concerning massive security breaches that were created during the Obama Administration that...

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