This week our broadcast will focus on the corruption of elective office and the militarization of federal land agencies for enforcement of Draconian laws that attack traditional American property rights. Under the misnamed Patriot Act government agencies were given powers never conceived by the founders. Government became the master and citizens the servant. Combine that with elected officials that ignore or openly reject their constitutional oath to defend liberty and you have the poison of progressive socialism and the communization of America in the 21st century…….Obama's “fundamental transformation of America”.
Our guests this week are Trevor Loudon and Chris Kortlander, both experts on the subject of stolen elections and the hijacking of America by The Enemies Within. Both guests have done significant research on Jon Tester that that they want to share with the voters of Montana.
The cornerstone of our American system of government is the right of individuals to life liberty and private property. Our founders had the wisdom to structure our system of government to be bottom up, not top down, and always with the understanding that government existed with the sole purpose of protecting the unalienable rights of individuals as outlined by our US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Socialists and communists now control much of our national government, both elected and appointed and threaten the very fiber of our constitutional republic.
Please join us for this eye-opening journey down the rabbit hole of 21st century American politics.
Trevor Loudon is a New Zealand author, speaker and political activist who maintains a blog at
He is founder and editor of, a website which compiles dossiers on activists and political figures. Loudon is the author of two self-published books, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within and The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress. Loudon was also vice president of the ACT New Zealand Party from 2006 to 2008. He recently produced the movie The Enemies Within which names names and directly exposes the political leaders that are part of this movement to destroy America.
He is currently working on another film that will expose the roots of ANTIFA and other communist organizations trying to overthrow our constitutional system of free enterprise and exposes members of the U.S. Senate that openly oppose free market capitalism.
Chris Kortlander is the Founding Director of the Custer Battlefield Museum and owner of the historical town of Garryowen MT where the Battle of the Little Big Horn began in 1876, the town is also the host to the TOMB of a 7th Cavalry US unknown soldier. For resurrecting the historical town received the Governors Tourism Ambassador Award.
A former Montana Law enforcement officer, he is now an outspoken advocate for victims that have been abused and threatened by Dept. of the Interior and other militarized Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.
Kortlander's book Arrow To The Heart is a must read. March 31, 2005 was a pivotal day in the life of Chris Kortlander when he received a frantic phone call informing him that Garryowen was under siege by an armed cadre of federal, state, and local police. It tells the story of the events leading up to and following that raid. Kortlander tells his personal story of devastating attacks by government agents bent on destroying his business, his health, and threatening his very freedom in a power play of retribution ultimately built around a button from an Army uniform. It puts seemingly unrelated events together to show a clear pattern of abusive persecution of our fellow Americans by federal law enforcement agents from the Department of the Interior. The book is ripe with documented facts that characterize what has become known as the “deep state” of a law enforcement bureaucracy.
Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots
Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.
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