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Vicky Kap, co-director vote Austin Texas. Vicky Kap is from Austin, Texas, who was focused on election integrity issues since she learned in 2003 that elections were being stolen on a regular basis with electronic voting.  She is the co-director of Austin Citizen Group Vote Rescue with founder and director Karen Rennick, and has served as president of the board of Beth Harris's non-profit Election Watch Dog Group, black Box voting.

And in 2006, Vicki and a fellow activist, Abby Delosozier, co-edited the Booked, hacked High-Tech election Theft in America in an effort to help educate the public on the ongoing threat of stolen elections resulting from the use of electronic voting machines and scanners.  Vicki has been a frequent presenter on the topic for various political citizens groups and has given testimony at the Austin Texas Capital to both House and Senate Committee.

Co-produced press conferences appeared on MNBC and Austin TV news channels, has been on a guest of various radio shows around the country presenting her views on the topic, as well as co-host of the weekly radio show Vote Rescue Radio where Citizens Count One Vote a Time.  In 2008, she dedicated to a return to true election integrity with totally transparent hand counted paper ballots.

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