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America is suffering death by a thousand cuts and those brave souls who see the big picture are now the primary targets of the butcher's knife.

This is nothing new, the painfully ignorant are seldom the first to feel the butcher's wrath……..but they almost never escape punishment when their useful idiot licenses expire.

The ultimate reality that they were so easily manipulated by some very bad people is no consolation after you've lost your life and your soul because of your own foolishness!

As the saying goes “the Devil is in the details”.

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Guest: Craig Matthew Hudgins – Christian/Roman Catholic/Husband/Father/Grandfather, U.S. Marine Aviator Combat Veteran, Special Ops was born on October 16, 1954 in Norfolk, VA Craig attended high school at Fountain Valley High School, graduated 1973.
Interim Preoccupations (prior and current)
CEO Dominion Air, startup airline President T-Group Media Corporation Founding Board Member, ACT for America Publisher Virginia Chronicle newspaper Formerly Founder and President, Virginia Coalition for Life, Inc. Radio Talk Show Host, Dominion Air Board Member, Virginia Christian Alliance 2x Republican candidate for Va. State Senate.
First Landing 1607 Project Team Leader. 2024 National Border Convoy developer and lead vehicle for convoy

At the current time the wolves are in charge, herding the American sheep off the cliff of “One World” totalitarian government with reckless abandon.

Meanwhile, newly awakened Americans focus on only the picture right in front of their faces with no understanding of the much bigger picture and the root causes for America's general demise.

Dumping China Joe by electing Trump might sound like a simple solution, but is it? And is that even possible with our current corrupt election process?

The fact that it took nearly two centuries of cautious but sustained effort by collectivists to convince us to abandon our roots as a constitutional republic is lost on 3 generations of Americans educated in a WOKE public school system that no longer teaches Civics, American History, English Grammer or basic Economics.

Explaining American exceptionalism to WOKE youngsters, is like speaking to them in Chinese……….which by the way things are going might be very soon.

The real tragedy in all this is how the fully indoctrinated are so willing to turn on their fellow countrymen and support Marxist ideas that are in direct opposition to free speech and the right that all Americans were constitutionally guaranteed to speak out against oppression.

According to WOKE newspeak, your opinions only matter when they support groupthink and the hive mentality for the “greater good of the collective”.

That sounds like crap to me, but what do I know; afterall, I still believe in all those old fashioned ideas that we used to call American exceptionalism.

Sadly, nothing will change if we continue to focus on one detail at a time and forget to see the enormity of the effort leveled against the American people and our national sovereignty.

We need to clean house, and that will require a broad national vision and a significant number of patriots willing to expend their lives, fortunes and sacred honor in defense of the America dream. The fewer the number, the more difficult the task.

Thinking that getting a Republican majority in Congress and the Senate is going to change anything in a significant way is wishful thinking.

Don't get me wrong, it may have a slight impact over the short term if we get some true conservatives, but establishment Republicans are there for one reason and one reason only……to give the impression that we got rid of the problem, only to discover that we replaced a communist bum with a fascist bum.

Voting for the lesser of 2 evils is still electing someone evil, besides, that reasoning is what got us here in the first place.

Establishment career politicians dance to only one tune, that tune is staying in power and convincing the voters that their brand of socialism is better than their opponents.

Blackmail and extortion have been the centerpiece of DC politics since nearly the beginning of our country, but 240 years of practice have turned that game into a fine art.

The ultimate losers are the American people and our offspring that will have to pay the piper, and that looks to be right around the corner.

Moreover, I guarantee that not one career political hack will ever admit they're to blame when the whole house of cards starts falling down around them. It will be the fault of those damned constitutionalists and patriots.

If they had just kept their mouths shut everything would have been just fine. No-one would have been the wiser if they hadn't pointed out that the emperor has no cloths.

That misplaced blame is already happening! That's why so many of our formerly trusted three letter agencies have gone to the dark side.

Crooked politicians, extortion, and trillion dollar black ops money trails funded by drugs and human trafficking are in danger of being exposed by those crazy “conspiracy theorists”.

Since many of the guys at the top are in on the deal, weaponizing the FBI, Justice Department and CIA against Americans just makes sense for them.

Just label anyone that disagrees with your Marxist/globalist perspective as a domestic terrorist or right wing extremist and a majority of the American useful idiots will fall in line.

Afterall, no-one wants to be labeled as a radical by our government for voicing legitimate concerns; someone from CNN, CNBC or The New York Slimes would love nothing more than spreading politically charged lies along with your mug shot all over America… just ask Donald Trump!

To further guarantee conformity, if you happen to be employed by one of those three letter agencies and refuse to play along, you will lose your job along with that fat Federal pension.

So, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT and just follow orders.

Your promotions and percs depend on absolute conformity and you can excuse yourself with that great jackboot excuse “it wasn't my fault, I was just following orders”.

It's time for all true Americans to take a stand to defend a sovereign United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
especially the domestic ones in our midst who are multiplying like rabbits.



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