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The past thirty years have witnessed radical changes in our political process and the “fundamental transformation” of America.

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Guest: Nate Cain ~ Home – Road to Freedom (

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Guest: Nate Cain.  In Nate's career as cybersecurity expert of 26 years , he has worked for the Army, Navy, Marines, Defense Information Systems Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, receiving medals and service commendations in several positions.  Nate has taken the oath three times, once as a soldier and twice as a Department of Defense civilian.  He has held and still holds a Top Secret security clearance for 25 of those years, having been entrusted with protection and security of the Nation and its secrets.

Nate is a U.S. Army veteran and has traveled the world with his family due to military service.  He continued to serve his country as a U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps civil servant and defense contractor in cybersecurity engineering for over two decades.

Nate Cain has roots in the Appalachia, where his family were coal miners and farmers.  He chose to settle his family in West Virginia, so they could enjoy the greatest level of freedom and a life surrounded by the beauty of God's country.  He feels a connection with a community of folks who value God, family, and country and where the 2nd amendment is not infringed.

Nate believes that our greatest success as a country stems from its foundation in God.  His personal relationship with Jesus Christ, whom he came to know as a teenager, has been the strongest influence in his life.  He boldly speaks about the importance of faith of God and recognizes the problems we face in our country and in our families that cannot be solved by human intervention alone.  It requires the grace of God.

Nate has grown in his relationship with the Lord throughout the years and, though a fallible human being and despite the difficulties of life, he has always returned to the principles he learned through his faith.  His integrity and commitment to telling the truth in difficult circumstances has come at great personal cost to both him and his family, but he has no regrets, and the Lord has used those trials to strengthen his faith.

In 2017 while working at the FBI, he discovered that leadership at the Bureau and in the DOJ were refusing to pursue open case files on Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, effectively obstructing justice relating to Uranium 1 and many other matters.

Suppressing highly credible evidence in their possession of a national security issue of urgent concern, the FBI took sides in the 2016 election, determined to falsely paint Donald Trump as a Russian operative and running cover for Hillary Clinton's Russian-related crimes.

Nate could not ignore this grave injustice and, after much prayer, decided to blow the whistle through the DOJ Inspector General's office, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).

Several months after blowing the whistle the FBI retaliated by violating his civil rights through unconstitutional surveillance and then raided his home, confiscating his personal property, victimizing his family through intimidation and a vicious smear campaign.

FBI leaked his identity to the press with misinformation in an attempt to destroy his reputation and silence him.  Five years later, after incurring financial losses, attacks on his character, and suffering serious injury to his career.  It was all a sham investigation to cover for the deeply corrupt Clinton machine.  It was only through his faith in God and the support of his family, friends, and colleagues who know him that he survived and recovered.

After Nate's service to his country as a whistleblower, he was called on once again by Trump's White House to assist with election integrity investigations after the 2020 election.  He took a leave of absence from his job for two months without pay and dedicated himself to STOP THE STEAL by working day and night under the pressure of an impending and quickly approaching certification of the electors.

Nate provided expert witness testimony in multiple federal lawsuits, where he witnessed first-hand the corruption of our courts, many who refused to allow evidentiary hearings in several cases where there was clear evidence of multiple felony violations of federal law.

These irregularities were never addressed in 2020 and came back to resurface in 2022, causing continued chaos and distrust in our elections in states like Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

He has continued to fight for election integrity and voting systems security.

Nate believes in the power of the free-market system and has been willing to take the required risks to be successful as an entrepreneur.  After the Biden administration's vaccine mandate put pressure on his employer to enforce compliance, Nate founded a cybersecurity company of his own, which has provided high-paying jobs to over a dozen people working on various projects.

After his whistleblowing trials, God blessed Nate and his family business success and a home in Hedgesville, Berkely County, WV.  Even given the stability and success he has recently experienced, Nate is willing to again risk it all to run for Congress in what is sure to be difficult campaign against the West Virginia political establishment.

Other than a city council seat in a very small township in Pennsylvania, Nate is an outsider to political office, currently has no establishment machine or major donors behind him, does not come from a politically connected family, and has never worked as part of the DC Swamp.  Nate is an underdog candidate and is willing to throw punches against the Goliaths of government, which is just the way Mountaineers like their fighters.


What better way to avoid the hangman's noose for treason than to vilify and destroy anyone trying to expose the lies of the Marxists now in positions of power within our Federal Government.  All you have to do is control the media and fill the universities with Frankfurt School educated Marxists and, low and behold, you “fundamentally transform” our once great republic from America to Amerika just like comrade Obama promised us in 2008.

If you think this a bit over the top, think about where we are today by comparison with before the Obama's came into power.  Many Americans saw Barack Obama as a real hope of ending racial strife and putting an end to the perpetual buildup of the military industrial complex that seemed imbedded into the American psyche since the Second World War.

Boy, were they wrong.  Electing Obama as the first black President, American voters had willingly extended the ultimate olive branch, showing that we were the most open and least racist society in the world.  The fact that Obama was demonstrably Marxist never really came out during the election campaign but became very clear as he made appointments to top staff and administrative positions in his cabinet.

What was marketed as the most inclusive and transparent administration ever, quickly morphed into the least transparent and openly divisive administration in history, staffed at many levels with people openly hostile to all notions of American exceptionalism and free market capitalism.

Leadership positions within our intelligence services and federal law enforcement agencies were filled with communists and fellow travelers that would fail legitimate background checks, unless waived by President Obama.  Class warfare and anti-white racism took on a whole new intensity under his despotic leadership.  The wars in the Middle-east and America's role as policeman to the world expanded under his leadership.

Thirty years of slow walking America into the progressive socialist New World Order under George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama were meant to culminate under the Hillary Rodham Clinton Administration into true global governance by 2025.  It was all preplanned and baked into the cake until an anti-globalist nightmare named Donald J. Trump won the 2016 Presidential election.

Subsequent to 8 years of divisive leadership under Barack Obama, and knowing Hillary Clinton's checkered history and disdain for those of us living in “flyover country”, Americans turned out to vote in numbers that even a massive disinformation campaign and fraudulent election effort using the CIA's Hammer and Scorecard software to steal elections could not stop.

Trump won and the question became: what can be done to short circuit and stop Trump from exposing and ending the New World Disorder before, during and after his time in office.  The war against Trump began in earnest well before the 2016 election with the Steele Dosier and Operation Crossfire Hurricane meant to viciously attack and de-rail the Trump Campaign.

When direct evidence of DNC/Clinton funding for these mud slinging efforts and the FBI coverup of Hillary's blunders with top secret emails & Clinton Foundation Pay For Play with foreign nationals came to light, the mockingbird media coverups were so bold that a majority of Americans began to see that something more than politics as usual was at work.

It became obvious that Trump represented a threat that transcended traditional Democrat/Republican party politics.  This was especially obvious when the Never Trump Republicans popped up from the Establishment ranks that were directly linked to neo-con progressive socialists; McCain, Romney and the Bush cabal.  It became clear that Trump represented the people and was clearly the first populist presidential candiate since Ron Paul.

Despite massive election fraud and the Fifth Column Administrative State coined “the Swamp” by Donald Trump, enough good work was accomplished under his America Firs leadership to set back the Globalists by several years.  These setbacks and the threat of treasonous exposure put the fear of God into the Uniparty Demican/Repulicrat Globalist Cabal.

They had to get rid of Trump and his supporters regardless the political fallout, making the 2020 Presidential (s)Election the most overtly dishonest and fraudulent election in U.S. history.  Thousands of eye-witness accounts of obvious election fraud and vote tampering were swept under the rug, and anyone questioning the elections were labeled and defamed as election deniers by the Mockingbird Media and uniparty political hacks.

On January 6, 2021 nearly 2 million Americans joined together in Washington DC to support Trump, planning to exercise their clearly constitutional right to petition Congress to investigate the mountain of evidence of fraud surrounding the 2020 Presidential election prior to certification.

The subsequent events have become a black eye for the FBI, D.C. Police and the American Just-Us system under the Obiden Administration.  Recently Hillar Clinton, Barack Obama and many identifiably Marxist members of Congress have called for the confinement and re-education of Trump supporters.  This is not only contemptable, it is an open display of treason against the U.S. Constitution and the moral basis for rule of law.  This open display of totalitarianism could never exist in a free republic.

Will we ever see a return to honest elections?

Not if the American people fail to do their duty and demand the reforms needed to return elections to legal citizens with valid I.Ds, hand counted at the precinct level.  Computer voting was recognized 30 years ago by the software designers as infinitely hackable and legitimate election advisors of both political parties have called for election reforms and greatly reduced mail-in voting decades ago.  To ignore this sage advice is to embrace fraud with open arms.

Let's put America back in the hands of sane adults and elected officials worthy of the title “duly Elected constitutional leaders”.  We can have honest and fair elections, but not without effort.


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