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The 1st AMENDMENT of the United States Constitution states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Although some of the radical left feel that the U.S. Constitution is an outdated and irrelevant document that must be ignored or completely re-written, the Constitution is the rule book for American government that all elected public officials and military personnel must swear an oath to uphold and protect against “all enemies, foreign and domestic” as a condition of their service.

The very idea that many liberal Democrats and establishment Republicans in elective office are willing to openly dishonor that oath is a sign of the transformation of America from a nation founded on individual unalienable rights to a system promoting one world socialist/Marxist technocratic government, and that many serving in elected office are knowingly serving dishonorably.

Central to the transformation from republic to socialist technocracy is the influence of Big Tech; the information technology field.  Big tech companies designed the hardware and the software programs that created, then controlled much of the internet, and they influence other important opinion makers in print and visual media sectors know as the Mainstream Media, in important ways.  To say that Big Media and Big Tech shape the direction and political culture of our nation would be an understatement of historic proportions.

As a consequence of recent censoring of ideas and persons that present conservative opinions not in agreement with the One World socialist/technocratic narrative of social media giants like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google; we see rapid diminishment of 1st Amendment guarantees central to our system of constitutional government.  When large corporate media and information technology groups are given free rein to shut down public debate and exchange of ideas of people with opposing views; we must challenge the constitutionality of their actions in state legislatures and courts to guarantee the survival of our republic.  The censorship of ideas must be stopped immediately.

Local and state governments must honor their 10th Amendment constitutional prerogative to protect the rights of their citizens and provide a vigorous legislative and legal challenge to any group or organized effort to end free speech in America.

The question is; how can state and local governments stop mega corporations and big media from destroying the freedom of thought and speech that is fundamental to the American system of limited government?  How can average Americans help local/state elected leaders willing to step forward when the national government refuses to act, to stop this tyranny?

Wake up American and realize that we have choices.  If we are unwilling to accept censoring the tyranny from the highest levels of industry and government, we must speak out and challenge their actions.

Wake Up America

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This Week's Guest Profile (s)

Randy PinocciRandal Pinocci – Public Service Commissioner – District 1 in North Central and Eastern Montana.  Pinocci is married with 3 daughters, lives in Sun River and works as a property manager throughout Cascade County.  He previously served as a State Legislator for House District 19, served as a Statewide Coordinator for candidates for Governor, US Senate, and US Congress and is very active in State GOP politics.

Randal worked side by side with NRA Director Charlton Hesston and State Republican Chair Ken Miller to establish the first Second Amendment Committee in the US, and is a Board Member actively involved with the Montana Shooting Sports Association, the most proactive 2nd amendment support organization in America.  He is an annual speaker at the Red Pill Expo and is a member and leadership Fellow of Freedom Force International and Red Pill University.

Brad TschidaBrad Tschida HD 97 Montana Legislature

Brad Tschida's Background – 12 years of experience as a teacher and administrator: allows me unique perspectives on successful educational strategies and outcomes.

Served as House Majority Leader during the 2019 Legislative Session.

As a former business owner, I understand that businesses, NOT governments, create strong communities and economic prosperity.

My supporters include Liberals, Libertarians, Independents and Conservatives because they know my proven ability to attain common sense solutions among multiple groups

Active involvement with service organizations like the Exchange Club, which supports The Parenting Place, coaching youth sports and serving on nonprofit boards has given me a deep appreciation for the vibrant communities that live in and the wonderful people woh are our neighbors.

Memberships with – NRA/ Missoula Exchange Club / MSS / Deer Creek Range / St. Anthony Parish Knights of Columbus

Views expressed by our guests do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of our host, producers, sponsors and The Patriot Soapbox Network. We strive to make all information truthful and informative to our listeners, but do not suppress the right of our guests to express views that may not be in conformity with mainstream opinion.
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