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Welcome to Red Pill Expo #10, August 12th and 13th in DesMoines, Iowa. As always, we have an amazing cast of Red Pill speakers to help our attendees break out of the matrix of lies and disinformation that have turned us into victims of oppressive Deep State mind controllers.

The Red Pill Expo is a no-holds-barred expose' of the people and ideas behind the plot to destroy America and ultimately, destroy individualism throughout the world. Join us on August 12th and 13th in DesMoines, Iowa as we expose the minions and architects of the Matrix. Join many others who share your thirst for knowledge and truth. We promise that it will be worth your effort. If you cannot attend in person, join us on Livestream for a virtual Red Pill. Click Here to see the Red Pill Expo…

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Guest: G. Edward Griffin ~ Considered by many as the patriarch of the American freedom movement, is a writer, documentary film producer, and Founder of Freedom Force International, Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand.

He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations.
His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, Moles in High Places, The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War, The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and The Fearful Master.
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Welcome to Red Pill Expo #10, August 12th and 13th in DesMoines, Iowa. As always, we have an amazing cast of Red Pill speakers to help our attendees break out of the matrix of lies and disinformation that have turned us into victims of oppressive Deep State mind controllers.

As the year 2023 has unfolded, it has been remarkable in many ways; not the least being the destruction of societal norms that have endured for millennia. The open contempt by those in the highest elected offices for those they are supposed to serve is now in plain view.

Omnipotent government has truly become the oppressor of humankind, and unelected technocrats now direct public policy with impunity. No longer are all elected officials held accountable for illegal actions. Some are given carte blanche to flaunt their defiance of the law while others not in favor with far left ideologies are skewered and harassed by federal law enforcement agencies for heretofore non criminal acts.

The FBI, CIA and DOJ have been turned into weaponized tools of far left politicians wishing to destroy their opponents through fear and intimidation.

Not surprisingly, the 2022 Mid-Term (s)elections turned out to be more of the same, with very limited changes in the makeup of the U.S. Congress and the Senate. However, while Republicans lost ground in the Senate, they gained a small majority in Congress and a Select Congressional Committee was formed to investigate the Weaponization of Government and look at the use of various Federal Government Agencies to intimidate, silence and suppress the American people.

That Congressional expose' has been a real eye opener. We saw the virtual elimination of our constitutional rights during the COVID-19 pandemic, but even prior to that, the overt weaponization of the FBI, DOJ, NSA & CIA to attack President Donald Trump and his eighty million supporters had been overt and continued unabated throughout the Trump presidency. These partisan attacks expanded exponentially after the 2020 Residential Selection of China Joe Obiden. Moreover, the lamestream media accused anyone that even mentioned election integrity of being a conspiracy theorists and of being anti-American as they persecuted Jan 6ers with impunity.

The investigative double standard by federal law enforcement between Biden and Trump is beyond question, yet it continues unabated, and is being ratcheted up to unfathomable levels.

As a consequence of the propaganda mills of the controlled media, a legitimate investigation of the 2020 presidential election was never allowed to happen. Under the corrupt Biden administration, those demanding disclosure and investigation have been labled as domestic terrorists and made subjects of public ridicule and disinformation, while hundreds of God fearing Americans rot in American Gulags without benefit of trial or even legitimate charges of criminality.

Political prisoners in an American Gulag system have become a way of life in the new Amerika under Progressive (Marxist) control.

We watch the D.C. swamp becoming bigger, deeper, and slimier while average Americans grow poorer, sicker, more controlled and more dependent on government programs for survival. Our economy stands at negative real economic growth and faces a very real chance of financial collapse while our political “leaders” demand increased spending and make concerted efforts to eliminate all institutions of responsible self government.

The U.S. Dollar, electricity, fossil fuels, food, illegal immigration and a proxy war in Ukraine have become bargaining chips in their collectivist schemes to bring us into World Government and cradle to grave control through radical environmental programs known as Agenda 21/2030 and “the Green New Deal”.

It has taken far too long, but many Americans are finally saying that they have had enough and are becoming very vocal in their opposition to the destruction of the institutions that made America great. The Leftists have overplayed their hand and have turned off s of the most politically correct and ill informed amongst us.

Americans have a history of almost unlimited tolerance of really stupid people and unpopular political movements, but that is nearing an end. American tolerance of all ideas, even stupid ones, is how the radical left has accomplished so much in their long march through America's insitutions, as they plot to bring America down. Totalitarians have successfully hidden their real agendas, as they worm their way into our cultural, civic and governmental institutions.

Join us at The Red Pill Expo





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