The Kennedy assassination was an egregious display of deep state power and unlimited control by oligarchs and three letter Federal Agencies.
There is that seminal moment in every thinking persons life where something sold to us as absolute truth strains the bounds of credibility enough to cause one to wonder what else we are being fed as fact is an outright lie.
Many people refer to that seminal moment as an epiphany. That epiphany occurred for me on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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Guest: Judyth Vary Baker is a living witness to the events and some of the participants in the JFK assassination. Judyth has written several books, including Me and Lee / Lee Harvey Oswald and Me, / Kennedy and Oswald: The Big Picture, / David Ferrie: Mafia Plot, and Letters to the Cyborgs (AI Takeover).
Baker, a young science prodigy in the Cold War era whose brilliant cancer research and near-photographic memory attracted the attention of CIA-affiliated doctors and scientists, was recruited at age 19 to work with Alton Ochsner in New Orleans on a bioweapon project intended to kill Fidel Castro in 1963.
In New Orleans, she met and fell in love with Lee Harvey Oswald.
Oswald and Baker, who were involved in varying aspects of the same project, would go on to work with and meet many notable figures, including Dr. Mary Sherman, JFK CIA/Mob figure David Ferrie, Carlos Marcello, Jack Ruby, Clay Shaw, and more.
However, after confronting Dr. Ochsner about injecting prisoners with cancer-causing shots, Baker was booted from the program and sent back to her home state of Florida.
Baker remained in touch with Oswald by phone until just 37 ½ hours before John F. Kennedy’s assassination, for which now almost all agree Oswald was framed.
After the assassination, Baker was told to keep a low profile and never speak of her relationship or work with Oswald. This, she did, for many years, until she could no longer stay silent about her knowledge of the false narrative of the JFK assassination and ensuing coverups.
Over the years, many have tried to uncover the truth about the assassination. Oliver Stone’s 1991 film, JFK, depicts the very people Baker knew personally, most of whom were murdered in a tale of separate stories with shared common links.
Films like Stone’s JFK have only further validated and confirmed the details of her experience. Baker was also featured in “The Love Affair”, a 2003 episode of historical docu-series The Men Who Killed Kennedy, which was eventually cancelled due to alleged objections from high-profile governmental figures.
Judyth Baker is currently working with doctors and professionals today who seek better treatments for cancer, COVID, Alzheimer’s, and autoimmune diseases.
She has been invited to run a lab, where the details are currently being worked out, as more and more fine health practitioners are turning from Big Pharma’s symptom-treating tendencies to a more holistic cure-seeking path. “A patient cured is money lost” has got to stop.
Her books have made it into the hands of many, including none other than RFK Jr., who, at her request, addressed the attendees at Baker’s 2023 JFK Conference.
He has gone on the record to say, “Lee Oswald… loved my uncle.” Kennedy Jr. has both Baker’s Me and Lee and her Lee Harvey Oswald and Me.
Baker’s knowledge is unique and firsthand, and she has lived through death threats, harassment, and attacks on her credibility.
Over time, the truth is increasingly coming out, and more and more are verifying the core details of her story. Today, she is 81 years old, sharp as a tack, and fearless. Now is the time to interview her in depth.
I was 13 years old, and far too young and naive to understand all the political nuances surrounding the assassination of an American president, but my epiphany was no less insightful, although coming from a much different perspective: military rifles and ballistics.
As a Montana kid, I started shooting gophers with a .22 rifle before most kids knew how to ride a bicycle.
Because I started my first business as a shoeshine boy at 8 years old, I was able to more or less provide for myself from a very early age, including purchase of several military surplus rifles that were in endless supply following WWII.
By the age of 13 I was already an avid hunter and had an understanding of which military firearms were excellent and which ones were junk.
Within hours of the assassination of President Kennedy, the Dallas Sheriff held up the weapon that supposedly killed the President; a Carcano carbine.
I could not believe my eyes! We were told that a lone gunman using a Mannlicher/Carcano bolt action carbine with a cheap and improperly mounted riflescope fired 3 accurate rounds in just over 2 seconds at a moving target some distance away.
I thought to myself, “Lee Harvey Oswald must have been one heck of a shot to pull off the impossible with a crappy firearm like that”.
As well as Popular Science and Popular Mechanics I had a subscription to a publication called Shotgun News that was without question the largest catalogue of military weapons and paraphernalia anywhere.
Anyone could buy a boxcar full of Carcanos for next to nothing because they were known world-wide as one of the most inaccurate and unreliable bolt action rifles ever produced…….and this one wasn't even a rifle, it was a short barreled carbine.
They sold in Shotgun news for around $4.00 each plus shipping, but few sold because they were considered a waste of money.
Then came the “magic bullet” that fell out of the gurney they carried the President to the Parkland Hospital in. It was magic because it was the bullet from a 6.5 x 52 mm in perfect condition with no deformation or even scoring from traveling down a rifle barrel.
It was crystal clear to me that this whole thing was a scam meant to frame Oswald as the lone gunman…..but why?
The more government experts they trotted out, the more absurd the whole charade; as the lies compounded, each being more obvious than the one before.
There were just too many inconsistencies that didn't add up and the Warren Commission became little more than an obvious attempt to hide a government conspiracy to murder President Kennedy.
But why? That's where we Connect the Dots!
Connecting dots has always been my strong suit. That innate ability, coupled with being an insatiable reader, and a completely outside the box thinker has led me to the inescapable conclusion that most of history is nothing but management of facts to sell a society of useful idiots a reality that meets the needs of those in power, and keeps them there indefinitely.
The longer they get away with it, the greater their hubris. Giant egos have much more in common with spoiled brats than thoughtful adults, and every time they get away with something, the greater the urge to increase the risk.
Like the successful embezzler; that starts small and figures out ways to steal larger and larger sums.
For a while it's like a game, then an addiction, and eventually a self destructive behavior completely out of control.
Megalomaniacs are like successful embezzlers on steroids……and since they own the press and the courts, they have no fear of being caught.
Tragically, Americans are now victims of politicos, technocrats, international banksters and a long list of ne'er-do-wells that hold unlimited power, are immune from prosecution, control the media, understand and can manipulate human nature, and have the money to buy their way out of anything.
History is written by the victors irrespective of truth.
As long as they hold the money they hold the power, therein holding the power of the press and opinion makers willing to shape the narrative….for a price.
The world is in a mess for that very reason. Centuries of manufactured intrigues and an unbroken record of getting away with bloody murder has groomed a whole class of sociopaths in love with themselves and convinced they cannot be stopped.
So, they keep expanding the envelope.
Combining that hubris with a complete lack of Godly faith and a Malthusian belief system of limited resources has left humanity with very few options.
We either wake up to the world as it is and not what we wish it to be, or humanity as we know it will cease to exist. It is up to us! Wake up America and learn to save ourselves by defeating lies with truth.