America is suffering from a total lack of responsible leadership. The law of rulers has replaced rule of law.
Connecting the Dots Audio
Connecting the Dots Video
Guest: John Charles Eastman is an attorney and founding director of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, a law firm affiliated with Claremont Institute. He was a Professor and Dean of the Chapman University School of Law.
Guest: DIANE L. GRUBER is a now retired attorney that practiced law in the Portland Metro area since 1987. She specialized in Family Law, Bankruptcy, Probate and Estate Planning. Diane is a frequent guest on podcasts and is an outspoken advocate for free speech in an increasingly draconian media environment. She is a regular contributor at: where she contributes thoughtful columns on the American and international Deep State.
Sometimes when writing these newsletters it feels like I repeat myself week after week.
I keep identifying the same adversaries and groups as the enemies of the common man, and 9.99 times out of 10 they are funded by the same powerful oligarchs.
When I started my podcast 9 years ago and named it Connecting the Dots, I didn't realize just how squarely I had hit the nail on the head when coming up with a show title.
Virtually without exception, the dots do all connect… takes surprisingly little extra time and research to connect the dots. You just need to know where to look and, with the assistance of my marvelous guests, we do!
The common threads connecting these forces lined up against humanity are: an unnatural love of money, lack of moral/spiritual accountability, and unbridled willingness to do just about anything to stay in power and keep from getting caught.
Since I started this podcast in 2015 we have interviewed many guests who point out the double standard within the justice system between the rulers and the ruled.
Most Americans recognize that we live under a two tier “just-us” system that allows a select political class and their accomplices to commit any crime with impunity.
The independent press was bought and paid for long ago by the same powerful forces that now control the puppets occupying the highest positions in our government, making the discovery and exposure of corruption nearly impossible.
However, the ability by a select few to control the media and the courts is becoming increasingly obvious, causing a growing number of Americans to speak out in favor of the politically incorrect underdog.
The 2016 presidential election brought populist candidate/ President Donald Trump who from the start made serious miscalculations about the breadth and depth of the deep state swamp and the reptilian nature of our D.C. denizens.
Most noteworthy was Trumps failure to recognize the immense power Clinton and Obama appointed Federal Judges and Administrative Agency Heads held over Congress, the American people, and nonconforming politicians.
Those in charge of the deep state had worked tirelessly for over 100 years to see their dream of a Marxist/technocratic world government put into place, and this upstart from Queens was about to stop that vision dead in its tracks.
He came from nowhere and had the audacity to challenge their power and globalist vision for America's future with silly ideas of national sovereignty, secure borders, free market capitalism, entrepreneurship, patriotism, and worst of all, an “America First” slogan that made the New World Order true believers froth with rage.
The good news was that although extremely powerful and deeply entrenched as Federal Judges and Agency Heads within the “swamp” the really bad actors working to destroy our constitutional system are still in the minority… most estimates 5% or less.
Although many federal employees have gone along with increasingly Marxist policies to protect their jobs, most are solidly American and patriotic to the core.
Through intimidation and coercion by higher-ups within their agencies, they allowed and even advanced policies that are not in Americas best interests, but it doesn't stop there.
States like: California, Illinois, New York and Oregon jumped on the progressive socialist bandwagon, reshaping their political climates in ways that forced free thinking and productive citizens to leave in droves.
And, although progressive state politicians claim to cherish free speech, ideas and press, they are the first to ban all speech, ideas and writings that fail to reinforce their distinctly Marxist ideology.
As a consequence, America has morphed from a constitutional republic that thrived on free speech and rule of law, into a Marxist mobocracy that tolerates only the groups and ideas that support collectivism.
The riots that plagued America during the 2020 “Summer of Love” under the banner of Social Justice (Black Lives Matter) and ANTIFA were given a free pass to loot, burn and destroy for nearly a year while the “several hour” long events of January 6th were called a lawless “insurrection” to overthrow the government by the downstream media and parroted non-stop to television addicted Americans for 2+ years on the 6 oclock news.
Those non-conformists that used reason and possessed the common sense to believe their lying eyes over the talking heads of downstream media were identified and vilified as domestic terrorists for speaking out.
Anyone questioning government propaganda or expressing an opinion other than the status quo were attacked viciously by a supposedly “free press”, while highly credentialed and qualified professionals were attacked by the very institutions they helped found and support.
Naivety and the go-along-to-get-along attitudes that personify a soft, dispassionate, entertainment focused lifestyle is the hallmark of 21st Century America.
Political correctness and social justice policies that at one time sounded somewhat rational have morphed into full blown Marxist dogma demonizing traditional American values and canonizing brazenly anti-American political extremism.
En- masse the endless attacks on our basic institutions and society as a whole have exacted a terrible toll on our economic, social, moral, and political health.
It is time for the American Public Sector to realize how they have been misled and used as pawns in a political game to bring down the greatest experiment in freedom ever devised by man.
It is time for true Americans to claim responsibility for their actions and stop the endless excuses for allowing this cancer to destroy us from within.
It is time for the public sector insiders to declare their fealty to the Constitution and let agency heads know where they stand.