To stop globalism and the NWO should be the number one priority of freedom loving individuals worldwide, especially Americans.
American writer/political philosopher George Santayana wrote “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. This quote seems particularly poignant today as we examine the state of our nation and international affairs.
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Guest: Dr. Harry Booyens – is an internationally recognized, multiple award winning PhD Defense & Aerospace physicist. He is originally from South Africa with a 360-year bloodline in that country. He has worked in Research and Development in South Africa, the United States, and Canada and has won a number of awards for his work in both Physics and in Genealogy. Harry describes himself as a semi-retired technocrat from the Hot Part of the Cold War. He applies his lifetime of research and analytical skills to History and Genealogy.
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Many in the highest offices of American leadership are demanding unbridled censorship of opinions that differ from the tripe peddled by institutional government and media propagandists, with some openly talking about the need for imprisonment and re-education camps for millions of dissenters that refuse to conform to NWO dictums.
Those of us believing in God and supporting American exceptionalism, including President Trump, are labeled as domestic terrorists while Marxist groups like ANTIFA and BLM are lauded as the new vision for an progressively enlightened world in a greatly diminished America.
We need look no farther back in history than Pol Pot, Chairman Mao or Joseph Stalin for similar quotes and references to re-education, yet many self anointed American intellectuals jump on the bandwagon as if they're going to a Fourth of July parade.
How can so many be so easily conned into following despots over the cliff to totalitarianism?
With the presidential (s)election of China Joe aka (Cha Ching) OBiden and many Obama administration Marxist holdovers, the recommitment to globalism returned in 2021 as the highest priority of re-enlightened American society. Meanwhile: individualism, personal responsibility, God given (unalienable) rights, commitment to family and community, and defense of the Constitution have become pejoratives scorned by mainstream media and academia alike.
Although there is still a strong sense of patriotism in rural America (fly-over country) that will take at least an additional generation to completely destroy, the East/West Coast urbane insider prerogative of filling leadership positions in government with Marxist ideologues has returned again in earnest.
We are in a crisis of leadership, confidence and political ideology that has seldom before existed in America; especially to this degree.
Communist China more or less owns our mainstream media, our largest corporations consider themselves trans-national and therefore no longer American, and Marxist professors control academia.
With the recent remaking of U.S. military leadership, devout Marxists that represent perhaps 5% of the population have taken control of our culture and nation from top to bottom without firing a shot. The fact that this has happened so blatently with almost no challenge by patriotic Americans is appalling!
Our foes play off the weakness of our so-called leaders, with few statesmen remaining to counter the professional progressive political class who demonstrate daily how easy it is to buy compliance in the D.C. Swamp.
With the Marxist indoctrination of our youth starting in kindergarten, it was only a matter of time before these influences were moved into all facets of American society. This mutation occurred with the full support of the progressive political class who are naturally inclined to submit to communist influences that they admire and frequently try to emulate.
The ultimate losers of this battle of wills and ideology are the American people who are: less wealthy, less secure, less able to defend their way of life, and more likely to be exploited by tyrants who understand power and know how to exploit weakness thru corrupt politicians.
With the full support of powerful international financial oligarchs and the feckless American political class, we have abdicated our position as the most powerful force for freedom in the world by transferring our technology, industry, wealth, and patriotic legacy to the most populous and advanced communist dictatorship of all time, the CCP.
Only failure within the CCP leadership has stalled their ascension to the number one economic power in the world. Unless we soon return to responsible American leadership, our position as a failed nation state will be certain.
Expecting someone else to save us is wishful thinking and would have been unthinkable to past generations of proud American patriots. As America goes….so goes the world. Those words brought freedom seekers from around the world to America's shores since the founding of Jamestown. They came here to enjoy freedom and realize the fruits of their own labor in a land of limitless opportunity. No-one gave them anything they did not earn or be willing to defend with their lives.
How could we have learned so little from the centuries of history and the blood, sweat, and tears of our forebears? Have we turned into such a pathetic nation of wimps and whiners that we are no longer willing to carry our own load, let alone defend it? Expecting others to do for us what we are unwilling to do ourselves is un-American and a sign of a failed state.
Doing nothing is not an option.
The time has come for civilized men and women from around the world to stand and be counted while we still can. America must once again be the leader and do so with the will and resolve that only a proud and faithful nation of God fearing patriots could produce.
Once again the world is looking to America as the last best hope for liberty in a very troubled time! The challenge is ours to accept, the battle ours to win or lose by our willingness to act.