Tuesday morning’s radio program will focus on the Trump economic recovery and the key role the Federal Reserve System will play. Will Fed policies support the continued strong economic recovery, or alternatively, will their policies undermine the market based economic policies being promoted by President Trump?” There is little doubt by many that the Federal Reserve System is a key player in the Deep State system that is moving America inexorably into the Marxist/socialist “New World Order” of global governance. Since the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law we have moved from an asset based monetary system controlled by Congress to a debt based system controlled by unelected private bankers that literally own our nation and its assets.
President Trump believes in the America of our Founders and in the system of capitalistic free markets that have made America the greatest experiment in personal liberty and wealth creation in world history. The so-called progressives of both political parties that are working feverishly to destroy the Trump Administration because of his pro national sovereignty, “America First” pledge, threaten to destroy the President through any means, including the economic recovery. Will the Federal Reserve System act as proxies of the progressive socialists seeking world government, or will it support the policies that are leading to the strongest economic recovery in 50 years and bringing America back from the brink of national suicide.
Hear the opinions of three leading experts on monetary policy: Dr. William K. Black, Professor of Economics and the forensic expert called in to advise the FDIC during the Savings and Loan crisis; Charles Ortel, Investment Fund Manager and forensic expert responsible for the national expose’ of the illegal and unethical actions by the Clinton Foundation that amassed billions of dollars for the Clinton Crime Family; and Robert Fanning, Stock Broker/Bond Trader and former member of the Chicago Board of Trade specializing in bear markets.
The economy barely survived the last “great recession” and limped along in stagnation through the Obama Presidency only by generating enormous amounts of cash loaned to banks at nearly zero interest for the entire eight years. Average American families were tapped out, and although low interest rates should have attracted borrowers, banks were borrowing from the Fed and investing in equities because American consumers were tightening their purse strings, and returns on bonds were at record lows. By doubling the national debt and making the economy appear to be improving with impressive gains in the equity markets fueled by mountains of cash, Obama led the nation through the most anemic recovery in U.S. history, and accelerated the movement of capital investment and manufacturing to communist and third world economies. Will the Federal Reserve kill the Trump miracle by dumping trillions of dollars in toxic securities so quickly that the economy can’t survive the shock? Will the quadrillion dollar derivatives liability become the “ticking atomic bomb” that Warren Buffet warned America about clear back in 2002?
Join us for an eye-opening expose’ of the real enemies to a resurgent American economy under President Trump.
Charles Ortel is a private investor and writer who has been exposing multinational and nonprofit fraud since 2007, following a career in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and investment management.
Since early 2015, Charles has been investigating state, federal, and foreign filings of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation as well as those of the many affiliates of that entity, which holds itself out as being a publicly supported charity. Based on his ongoing review of this evidence, Charles believes this network of charities is the largest unprosecuted and ongoing fraud in history, involving sums that may reach many hundreds of billions of dollars or more, counting presently known affiliates and donors as well as insiders who may have garnered illegal private gains through their involvement.
So far, Charles has appeared in two documentaries, Clinton, Inc. (2016), and one concerning “Fake News” that is in development.
Bob Fanning ran for Governor of Montana in 2012 on a platform of fiscal restraint, money backed by precious metals, and protection of wildlife and livestock against federal introduction of Canadian wolves to the Yellowstone area. Robert has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade and a Registered Representative of the New York Stock Exchange / Commodity-Futures Commission. His theme is: “Standing against two-legged wolves.”
He is a multifaceted leader with extensive hands-on experience in engineering, manufacturing, global sales and negotiation, and finance. Proven ability to embrace complex issues, articulate problems, and find correct solutions quickly by leveraging any necessary forces. Able to assemble highly effective talent, pull disparate individuals together for common good, instill confidence and inspire team dedication to the objectives. Innovative, with a reputation for fierce loyalty, integrity, honor and intelligence. Tremendous energy, dogged determination, pioneering spirit.
William Kurt Black (born September 6, 1951) is an American lawyer, academic, author, and a former bank regulator. Black's expertise is in white-collar crime, public finance, regulation, and other topics in law and economics. He developed the concept of “control fraud”, in which a business or national executive uses the entity he or she controls as a “weapon” to commit fraud.
Black was a central figure in exposing Congressional corruption during the Savings and Loan Crisis. He took the notes during the Keating Five meeting that were later published in the press, and brought the event to national attention and a congressional investigation.
On April 20, 2010, Black testified before the House Financial Services Committee in a hearing titled “Public Policy Issues Raised by the Report of the Lehman Bankruptcy Examiner.” He testified about the role that Alt-A mortgages, what he called “liars' loans,” on residential real estate played in the downfall of Lehman Brothers.
Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots
Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.
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