The Russia/Ukraine conflict is a much more complex story than the mainstream media and political pundits would lead us to believe.
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Guest: Trevor Louden
Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog – The Enemies Within
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To understand the nasty Anti-Russian bias coming from the mainstream press requires a bit more research and honesty than most on the left and right seem capable, but bottom line; Russia is doing nothing more or less than the United States would have done to protect her borders and her citizens from foreign threats………………at least we would have done before we surrendered to the open border lunacy of the progressive left!
For the past several years Connecting the Dots has attempted to expose the causes of the Russia Ukraine conflict, and everywhere we look, the fingerprints of DARPA, the CIA, International Central Bankers, and corrupt U.S. politicians are on everything.
Even pro-Ukraine pundits admit to massive U.S. interference in Ukraine internal relations: from rigged elections, to money laundering, human & child trafficking, bio weapons labs, stolen Russian natural gas, & CIA funded coups against Ukrainian pro-Russian elected political leaders.
Add the thousands of attacks and murders carried out against civilians in the highly industrial and Russian speaking Eastern Provinces and Crimea by Ukraine pro-Nazi militia groups, and Putin appears to be one of the most sensible national leaders in the world.
At least he is trying to advance the best interests of his own people, unlike the globalists leading America. Moreover; since the fall of the USSR in 1991, the promises of U.S. diplomats and elected leaders are about as credible as their oath of fidelity to our U.S. Constitution.
In 1991 Boris Yeltsen was given assurances by then US President George HW Bush and numerous State Department Officials that there would be NO NATO expansion into former Soviet territories, which flies in the face of non-stop NATO attempts at expansion from day 1………….right up to the borders of the Russian motherland.
During one of my 2016 podcasts, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Undersecretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, broke a story about U.S./DARPA funded, Ukraine based, weapons labs being paid to develop gene specific, bio-weapons targeting the 100+ ethnic groups making up the Russian population. Roberts warned that this move could lead to WW3 if not stopped immediately…. ….which it wasn't. Can we really blame Putin for invading Ukraine and taking out military targets threatening ethnic Russian people. The America of our founders would most certainly do the same for us.
If there is ever a valuable lesson to be learned from decades of political manipulation and propaganda, it is to always “follow the money” when uncovering motive. According to all accounts, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, stealing nearly a third of all the natural gas pipelined across Ukraine by Russia. Nordstream I & II were pipelines installed on the floor the North Sea to end the outrageous amount of natural gas being siphoned off by Ukraine and resold on the black market.
In his own words (p)resident Biden promised to take out the Nordstream pipelines if Russia didn't pull out of Ukraine. It appears that, at least in this instance, he was a man of his word. Moreover, when serving as Vice-President in 2015, Joe Biden was caught on tape bragging at a CFR luncheon that, using financial extortion, he was instrumental in the firing of a Ukrainian Criminal Prosecutor investigating Burisma's shady financial deals that were about to be criminally exposed.
Isn't this story too big for mainstream media to continually distort as Russian disinformation? Wouldn't it be nice to know how deeply the Biden crime family was involved in this charade?
I know that there are many sincere people around the world that want to believe that poor little Ukraine is fighting for it's life against the big bad wolf called Vladimir Putin. If that were really the whole story, I would be the first to support Ukraine.
This tragic chapter of world history is, like so many other tragic episodes, a chronology of political mis-steps and misdeeds by corrupt politicians that like nothing better than innocents paying the price for their corrupt acts. Our “Dear Leader” in the District of Criminals is working frantically to cover up numerous financial shenanegans and DARPA funded clandestine bio-weapons labs in a key territory of the former Soviet Union.
Before we jump headlong into another false flag military operation that could blow up in our faces, wouldn't it be wise to look at all the facts before making such a momentous decision?
Joe Biden wants America involved in an ongoing proxy war against Russia that has cost our taxpayers well over a hundred billion dollars thus far, while serving what national interests? Is interceding in this war more to advance globalism than any national interests?
Putin shares the stage with Donald Trump as one of the two greatest threats to globalism because they both believe that their nations are exceptional, believe in national sovereignty, and won't surrender to a one world technocratic/Marxist government run by bureaucrats, academics, bankers, special interests and multinational corporations.
When you look behind the curtain, the same globalists that hate Trump, hate Putin, and for the very same reasons.
Trump and Putin both love and believe in their national identities and won't surrender sovereignty to globalists. The saying that you can judge your enemies by their choice of friends also plays the other way. As a matter of fact, when looking at heros and villians accorded that status by the downstream media and our own political class, it appears that more often than not, the definitions of hero and villian have been reversed.
Before pouring additional billions into another false flag military operation that could blow up in our faces, wouldn't it be wise to look at all the facts before making such a momentous decision? Since when has advancing globalism served our national self interest?