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or is sustainable development really a nightmare for America's future?

Independent farmers and ranchers who produce much of America's meat supply have come under special scrutiny and attack in recent years by federal agencies, environmental NGOs and tax exempt foundations that increasingly support a re-wilded North America and vegan lifestyles. Grazing leases on public lands that have been an essential part of Western ranching for many generations are increasingly restrictive or being terminated; with rule of law, common sense, or science having no impact on these decisions. This process started out so gradually that most rural Americans paid little attention to the refocus of government land agencies from friend, neighbor and protector of people to advocate of radical environmentalism. With the creation of The President's Council on Sustainable Development during the Clinton Administration, the re-wilding of America became a high priority and the independent nature of the American rancher made him an enemy of the state. Supposedly independent governmental agencies were increasingly in the pocket of environmental NGOs with extraordinary influence coming in the form of foundation money and agency insiders being recruited from the the same environmental NGOs that were insisting on a re-wilded American West.
Film Producer/Director Jim White, and rancher Cliff Gardner will talk about Jim's latest film project: Land Grab – the Conspiracy to Own all of the Natural Resources in the West. Learn what is behind these attacks on ranching and rural land ownership. Hear why more and more Federal and State Lands are being made off limits to human use and development, and learn what the future of America will be if these utopian plans are completed as planned.

Jim White

Jim White is the founder of NorthWest Liberty News. Although Jim spent a couple years as a radio host, his true love is video based, investigative journalism; which ties in nicely with his new project, “Operation Wildlife Rescue.” Jim lives in NorthWest Montana with his wife and 2 daughters.




Cliff GardnerCliff Gardner is a rancher and historian, who has been involved in public lands issues for more than forty-five years now.
Having launched the Rural Heritage Preservation Project in 1984, Cliff has assembled, perhaps, one of the largest libraries containing historical and scientific evidence exposing the Fraud, corruption, and deceit which has been perpetrated by those working within our State and Federal resource management agencies to date.


Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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