One the key targets of world government is local elected representative government. Under UN Agenda 21 policies replacing local elected leaders with appointed regional bureaucrats, often recruited from radical environmental organizations or from academians with radical leftist (Marxist/socialist) ideologies becomes a top priority. The cornerstone of our American system of government is the right of individuals to life liberty and private property.
Our founders had the wisdom to realize that our rights under natural law flowed from God to the individual, from the individual to local elected government, then to State elected government and finally to National government. Bottom up, not top down, and always with the understanding that government existed with the sole purpose of protecting the unalienable rights of individuals as outlined by our US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The proponents of world government see the U.S. Constitution as an impediment to the New World Order and are working feverishly replace local elected governments with regional appointed governments that is unaccountable to local citizens. Councils of Government (COGs) are being installed around our nation with the sole purpose of destroying truly representative local control. This system is best represented by the European Union where national sovereignty is no longer recognized on the alter of regionalism, and dictates emanating from Brussels trump national interests.
Please join us for this eye-opening journey down the rabbit hole of globalism.
Michael Shaw is licensed as an attorney and CPA. He is also an entrepreneur, land manager, abundance ecologist and Freedom Advocates leader. Freedom Advocates promotes an understanding of Natural Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, while exposing the antithesis, the Agenda for the 21st Century (Agenda 21). Shaw discovered the nefarious Agenda 21 plan while living in Santa Cruz, California in the year 2000, even though years prior he had participated in what he thought was the crazy “Santa Cruz Local Agenda 21” formation committee. He and his associates have worked tirelessly to expose the local implementation of Agenda 21 across the globe. Shaw presented “The Ultimate War: Globalism vs. America” in 22 different locations across the country. Agenda 21 is also known as Sustainable Development and recently as the U.N. 2030 Agenda. These talks and more are available at
Debbie Bacigalupi is a Californian cattle rancher who is in-demand throughout the west as an educational speaker on Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, Cap and Trade, Sustainable Development, property rights, dams and water rights, “conservation” and other related issues. Discouraged by the erosion of rural America, she ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012. Ms. Bacigalupi holds a BS degree in Business and a Masters in Business Administration and is a Certified Meeting Professional and Sommelier. Her entrepreneurial spirit and passion to free rural America and change lives through education inspired her to open her own business with Rodan+Fields ( She is Senior Editor of Technocracy News.
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