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Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope in the history of the Catholic Church and was elected to the Papacy in a most unusual and controversial way. He replaced a very tradional and conservative Pope (Benedict XVI) who as an outspoken defender of the fundamental tenets of the Church resigned in a equally unusual and controversial way.

Until the 1870s the Jesuits were recognized as the enforcers within the church and were shunned by many devout believers because of their violent past, but were gradually given a whitewashed image within the church heirarchy……so much so that one could be elected Pope.

Since his election, Francis has changed the face of the Vatican and has openly promoted the radical green environmental agenda as well as dozens of programs that undermine the basic canons of traditional Catholocism and Christianity. He was openly socialistic as Cardinal in his native Argentina and attacks individualism as selfish and jingoistic while promoting collectivist ideas that seem to support Marxism, a philosophy that mocks Christianity as “the opiate of the poor”.

Francis is openly calling for an end to national sovereignty, promotes global government while sheltering from prosecution pedophiles and degenerates within the church heirarchy and is meanwhile radically changing the Vatican heirarchy.

His agenda seems to be in conflict with Biblical teachings in many ways, and his position as the head of the Christian world threatens to challenge the faith of many and the image of the Catholic church in general.

Join us for an open and thoughtful look at the rein of Pope Francis by: attorney, critic, journalist, educator and child trafficing expert, Elizabeth Yore. Liz has been a frequent guest of the Vatican and has seen a pronounced change in the direction and the spiritual philosophy of the Catholic church during her time as a reporter for The REMNANT, a leading Catholic national publication.

Elizabeth Yore previously served as Special Counsel at Harpo, Inc. for 5 years. In that position, she acted as Oprah Winfrey’s Child Advocate both with the Oprah Winfrey Show and in South Africa at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls. Prior to that position, Liz was General Counsel for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, the Illinois statewide child welfare agency.

At DCFS, Liz created the first missing child unit, which required the DCFS to immediately notify the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children when a foster child went missing. Illinois has been the leader in that initiative. She also spearheaded a program to aggressively investigate and prosecute the first federal human trafficking cases involving DCFS wards. Prior to DCFS, Liz was General Counsel at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Virginia, and its first Director of the International Division handling international child abduction cases.

Liz is a sought after speaker and expert on human trafficking and child protection issues. She has appeared on numerous television and radio shows as a child protection expert and commentator on a range of issues, including child protection, child exploitation, human trafficking, global pedophile networks and other related issues. Elizabeth serves on a national coalition of various anti-FGM groups and heads ENDFGMToday. She is a frequent contributor to The REMNANT and Town Hall and works tirelessly to end the abuses of the innocent by those in positions of power.

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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