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America is moving in a decidedly anti-American path toward Marxist/socialist/technocratic/feudal world government.

Join us for a candid look at the take down of American justice and why America needs accountable and representative government “of, by, and for the people”.

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When addressing the subject of domestic terrorism, recent Democrat presidents and their spouses stand out as supporters of radical Marxist terror groups. So-much-so that several of them handed “get out of jail free” cards (presidential pardons) to convicted FNLA murderers, Weathermen, and terrorists; like firemen throwing penny candy to children at a Fourth of July Parade.

Keep this in mind when you look at the above photo image of China Joe Obiden speaking in 2022 at Philadelphia's Independence Hall, bathed in eerie red backlighting, and ranting that MAGA Trump supporters are the “greatest threat to American democracy” and are dangerous domestic terrorists!

Although moderate Democrat voters don't like admitting it, the power behind the throne shaping Democratic policies no longer represent real American values; becoming little more than apologists for, and supporters of, radical Marxist causes and globalism.

The Clintons and Obamas are provably part of that cabal, requiring only minimal research of public records to connect the dots between their social connections, radical roots, political ideology and the “fundamental transformation” that has steered us in a decidedly anti-American direction.

Going back to the Clinton years many Americans saw this as a “golden age” where our national debt was still manageable and international relations seemed to favor the U.S. Four years of economic and foreign policy disasters under the feckless but well intentioned Jimmy Carter led to Ronald Reagan's election and eight years living under Reaganomics; with the revival of our lagging economy under tax cuts combined with deficit spending.

This gave a much needed economic boost to the American middle-class, and with it a rebuilt US military and foreign policy successes. These U.S. successes, combined with a 10 year Soviet war in Afghanistan, had led to the economic collapse of the USSR in 1991, and with it, the Bolshevik brand of command control economic communism, leaving America as the only remaining superpower.

The Clinton duo, selected in 1992, were part of the counter culture SDS/60s generation of sex, drugs, and rock & roll; raised embracing the political ideologies of Cloward and Piven, Che Guevara, Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky. They were hand picked by the globalist puppet masters to move America from its moderate nationalistic tradition to a position more favorable to globalism with socialist/Marxist characteristics.

Although regional terrorism existed worldwide, under the Clintons a focus on white nationalism and domestic terrorism was integrated into federal law enforcement. Meanwhile, Clinton promoted GATT and NAFTA international trade agreements and the massive off-shoring of the American manufacturing sector to communist China at the behest of David Rockefeller, Wall Street, and the International Banking Cartels.

Moreover, under Clinton/Gore the UN role in shaping a “new world order” was strengthened by fully incorporating Agenda 21 sustainability policies into all Cabinet Level agencies through executive orders, making green the new red by shaping all domestic and foreign interests into “serving the collective for the global community”.

The Obama saga was even more obviously a NWO selection rather than election process. A virtually unknown community organizer from Chicago with ties to convicted terrorists Bill Ayers (the ghost writer of: The Audacity of Hope and Dreams of My Father) and Brenadine Dorn was (s)elected to a Illinois State Senate seat, served less than a full term, was then handed a U.S. Senate Seat, served less than a full term and was made the Democratic Party's US Presidential candidate….only to be (s)elected and re- selected President for 2 terms.

This chronology of events was so unlikely that Las Vegas odds makers at the time calculated the chance of this happening at 10 trillion to one. How's that for beating the odds?

Our first Black President; Obama was (s)elected by a significant white majority to: end foreign military intervention, repair the economy, thwart the power of Too Big To Fail Banks, and advance racial harmony. He failed miserably at all of the above; more than doubling our national debt/business taxes while crippling American industries, expanding the welfare state, doubling medical costs, promoting cultural division and throwing the green agenda into high gear.

He did however succeed in “fundamentally transforming” America into a form of government unrecognizable to free market economists.

Hillary Clinton was hand picked to succeed Obama and transition America into the final stages of global government: but her abrasive personality, corrupt ways, contempt for the deplorables, and famously foul mouth were just too much for even the most brazen election manipulation to overcome, and the unbroken string of globalists since Reagan ended with the election of populist President Donald Trump, upsetting the globalist apple cart.

Trump's four very troubled years were an eye opening display of just how much control the NWO had over America, exposing the power of the anti-American Deep State. Many of us began to comprehend the power behind the curtain and the desperate need to end the lock step march to globalism.

The “summer of love” destruction and fire bombing of many cities around America in 2020 by BLM and ANTIFA in response to the unfortunate death of George Floyd was openly supported by many liberal Democrats in and out of Congress, although the real victims of this violence were very often Black owned small businesses, mostly in poor inner-city neighborhoods.

With billions of dollars in property damage, several dozen murders, countless assaults, beatings and rapes; only a few light sentences for the most egregiously violent crimes landed a small number of these “harmless protesters” in jail; most being released without charges.

As a consequence, open attacks and violence against police have escalated nationwide, gutting many police departments while making many inner cities almost uninhabitable due to violent crime and drug use.

Contrast that to the so-called Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021 where most violence came at the hands of the Capitol Police and FBI/ANTIFA “assets” that were salted throughout the crowd of Trump supporters.

Average Americans with absolutely no prior run-ins with the law, doing little more than entering and walking around the Capitol Building, were held without bail and face sentences up to 20 years on charges that might at worst, be minor misdemeanors.

Obviously, the foxes at the top of the Hen House heirarchy no longer represent the American people; certainly not the ones that made America great.

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