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America and Humanity 1.0 as created in God's image is under attack by globalist neo-Malthusian's intent on Draconian rule.

Almost all internationally recognized environmental corporate, financial or political leaders today parrot the same idea; average people living in the developed world must completely subvert their advanced society if the planet is to survive.

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The United States must lead this effort by ending middle-class lifestyles and terminating all forms of independent thought, consumerism, and private property.

At the same time, Americans must accept a Chinese style command-control economy and trade liberty for government administered social credits that will determine our status in this “Brave New World”.

And, although Communist China produces more C02 and air/water pollution than the rest of the developed world combined, we must all transform to “socialism with Chinese characteristics” under UN global technocratic control administered by the financial elite of the world.

Americans must end all personal travel, property ownership, consumerism, and their “lavish” middle-class lifestyles, paying reparations to everyone else on the planet for the sin of dragging much of humanity out of the stone age and into the industrial era.

Why; because the global elite know what is best for the hoi polloi that must be “fundamentally transformed” before we ruin their dystopian nirvana known as “Gaia”.  If you are already a communist country; then you can do just about anything you wish without retribution or consequence.

Meanwhile, the elite fly unrestricted from their numerous palatial estates to confab after confab on exclusive private jets, enjoying unbridled opulence as they determine the future for the little people and useless eaters occupying most of the planet.

Is there no-one but me disturbed by this picture of elitist arrogance?

“C'mon man, where do you come up with this crap” Manchurian Candidate China Joe might say.  How about in his own addled words from conference after international conference attended and led by the elite of politics, finance, and crony capitalism?

If you doubt the actual quotes by these megalomaniacs, check out the many sources available online at: YouTube, UN, WEF, COP27, UNESCO, UNEP, IMF, WHO, ICC, IMF, etc. websites.

The information may overwhelm you, but, if you will take the time, it might also provide a much clearer picture of the long range goal of controlling and then culling humanity to their view of a manageable number; roughly 500 million to 1 billion people.

Moreover, people in the God created sense will not be well represented in that manageable number. Humankind will be transformed into cyborg-like machines created by man, not God, and will be completely programmable: to perform any physical task assigned by their masters, be able to work without rest, and require very few natural resources to function.

The Power Elite controlling this world become immortal, ending what they term “democracy” in favor of a technocratic form of feudalism where a global elite own and control everything and everyone…….for our own good of course.

According to WEF President Klaus Schwab (aka Dr. Evil); “we will own nothing and we will be happy” while his egotistical jack-booted thugs take charge of our world, herding us into their AI controlled, fully programmable, 4th Industrial Revolution.

New technologies to transform humanity were introduced wide scale in mRNA gene therapy “vaccines” to mankind by most world leaders following the advice of “scientific experts” like the CDC's Anthony Fauci and WHO Director- General Tedros Ghebreyesus during the 2020 world wide Covid 19 plandemic.

These gene therapy injections will prepare the human body for far reaching technological advances planned for a fully transhumanist society called Humanity 2.0; their words, not mine. According to the WEF's schedule, this Matrix-like transhumanist technology must be fully functioning by 2050.

The world has always looked to America as the last best hope for an enlightened world of independent, sovereign nations, working together to free humanity.  The enemies of liberty have always understood and resented America's place as the leader of the free world; working tirelessly to undermine and eventually destroy our national credibility, and our national character.

Americans have lost much of their constitutional idealism through decades of collectivist re-education and indoctrination coming from the social activists within the progressive movement.

One hundred thirty years of Demican/ Republicrat Uniparty politics under globalists like the Roosevelt, Clinton, and Bush crime families; political hacks like Wilson, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Obama, Obiden, McConnell, Romney, ad infinitum have advanced their One World socialist goals by surreptitiously transforming the U.S. from a constitutional republic to an autocratic police state.

In the process we allowed our financial and business sectors to be hijacked by neo-fascists and our social fabric to be torn to pieces by anarchists and neo-Marxists.

By allowing a bizarre cast of characters brandishing racial, sexual, social, emotional and economic differences to shape our national persona, we have dismantled most national and international institutions supporting private property, free enterprise, individual liberty and Christian morality.

The world is looking to America for leadership out of this morass and we are failing them by our acquiescence to tyranny. Leadership requires risk!  We must be willing to risk our lives to restore liberty in a totalitarian world completely devoid of moral compass. Without Christian soldiers and God's blessing, humanity 1.0 will not survive.

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