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The United Kingdom and Western Europe has been the subject of social/political experimentation by globalist planners for nearly 100 years. National sovereignty has been sacrificed on the alter of One World socialist/Marxist government, and the New World Order technocrats are having a field day dismantling the great achievements of Western civilization. Their view of a “sustainable world” includes the destruction of industrial society, cultural advances, and Christianity. They see these as impediments to a communist world of control from cradle to grave by intellectual/financial elites that feel they know what’s best for society………especially when they are in charge; totally in charge.

This week's guest is film producer/director, Mark Sutherland. Mark was a key figure in the Brexit movement in the UK, producing and directing Flexcit the Movie: The Definitive EU EXIT Plan.  Mark has watched the globalist plans in Europe unfold and sees the many parallels with Deep State American policies and attempts by American Progressives to undermine the Trump Presidency. After the near destruction of the UK and Europe, Mark is warning America of what will happen to American exceptionalism if we don’t support the Trump Administration and make the success of the Mid-Term elections our highest priority.

The systematic destruction of our basic social, political, spiritual, economic and cultural institutions has been ongoing for many decades with the stated purpose by the power elite of surrendering American sovereignty to a global Marxist/socialist government controlled by the UN.

WAKE UP AMERICA and understand how nearly we came to the total destruction of our constitutional republic at the hands of the socialist progressives masquerading as our elected and appointed political leaders. Hear the facts from a leading opponent of socialist global government.

Mark Sutherland
Creative Hub Productions
Movie Producer and Speaker

Born and raised in the United Kingdom, Mark has been involved in the Television and film industry in various roles in the U.K. since 1992, making drama for the BBC, ITV and CH4. In 2010 Mark co-produced and designed a feature film as well as a number of short films. His films have won awards on both sides of the Atlantic: “One of Us” won best drama award at the Hollywood Very Short Movie Festival, Best actor at the BFM in the U.K., and a community Award in 2004 for “Pukka”-combining his education and film making skills to reduce youth crime. His latest short drama about communism has been in 3 U.S. film festivals; Maryland Film Festival, The Miami Film Festival, and Wasteland Festival LA.

In 2016, Mark entered the most important political event in recent UK history, producing and directing “Flexcit the Movie”: The Definitive EU EXIT Plan.

Inspired by his passion for the United States, Mark teamed up with writer director Ted Wilkes of Bottle Rocket Films and produced the short film “Between Lambs and Lions”, a political thriller set against a dystopian future where the United States Constitution is null and void and the Star Spangled Banner assigned to a museum.

Mark sees many parallels between the election of President Trump and the Brexit battle occurring in the U.K., and has been interviewed on various independent media sites in the Unites States such as John B. Well's Caravan to Midnight, Southern Sense Talk Radio, Hear the Watchman and Calvary Chapel Lima Ohio, as well as being a regular contributor to Politics Today on Revelation TV in the U.K.

Mark and has a background in education, having used his practical skills to teach in the U.K. Senior High Schools for 14 years, and has done blue collar and white collar jobs.

Mark will be joining us as our featured speaker: ” The View from the Clapham Omnibus Across the Pond' sharing his views on the EU debate and the parallels between what is happening in the U.K. and the U.S.

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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