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Is sustainable development really about creating a better world for mankind or is it a political philosophy that promotes Marxism and cradle to grave government control of every aspect of life?

Some would say that all that control is wise and necessary for “the common good” which is justification for totalitarianism and despotic rule by the few over the many. I would call that putting lipstick on a pig or putting frosting on a turd no matter what you try to dress it up as.  The unduly selected 46th president of the United States has done just about everything possible to destroy the economy and US energy independence in his rush to embrace his Marxist CCP friends and bring the US fully into the totalitarian New World Order.  Within hours of his anointment to the presidency, China Joe Obiden re-committed U.S. support for the UN's Paris Climate Accords with its full embrace of UN Agenda 2030 and the openly Marxist programs that it supports.

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Guest: Debbie Bacigalupi – Educational speaker on Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda,
Cap and Trade, Sustainable Development, property rights,
dams and water rights, “conservation” and other related issues.

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The lock-step march toward a socialist/Marxists New World Order technocracy has resumed under this administration and is now being thrown into hyper-drive with the announcement that the Biden/Harris Administration is in full support of the 30 x 30 plan to transfer 30% of all US landmass into the public domain by 2030 and move us immediately into a “green economy”, virtually guaranteeing a massive decline in the standard of living for our shrinking middle-class.  This is a reflection of just exactly how committed this administration is to the U.N. Agenda 21/2030 plan to destroy the uniquely American right to own private property, and in the process, curtail our ability to sustain a thriving middle class.

And while these programs will destroy so much of what has made America great, it virtually hands the keys of the world economy over to our ideological enemy, communist China.  This is not an accident, and is why communist China was so inexplicably involved in the 2020 residential selection of China Joe.  After 4 years of Russia, Russia, Russia and a rabid fascination by the lamestream media with the Trump campaign's supposed collusion with Russian operatives to steal the 2016 election (which turned out to be totally unfounded), the lamestream media is now shoveling as hard as they can to cover up the 2020 stolen election corruption and stop the nationwide election forensic audit effort dead in it's tracks, and they seem to be getting away with it…….AGAIN.

Until something is done to reform our out of control election process, it is doubtful that we will ever again see an honest American election, as was evidenced by the recent California recall election.  If the results of that election are true, Californians could be counted as among the most nihilistic and brain dead nitwits to have ever existed.  It is definitely time for all states to demand a return to valid IDs and hand counted paper ballots….but will it ever happen?  Not if we continue to roll over and blindly accept our fate.

Oh, did I mention that the open collusion of “The Big Guy” and his perverted pedophile son in just about every illegal and treasonous activity known to man is being openly swept under the rug by the lamestream press?  Is it any wonder that Americans have lost faith in our leaders?

Add to this open conspiracy to “fundamentally transform” America during the Obama/Biden third term, the Novel Corona Virus plandemic lockdowns and the WHO plan to vaccinate every living soul on the planet with untested and heretofore unknown technologies that don't begin to fit the traditional description of vaccine, and you begin to realize the enormity of the effort to destroy America as we know it.  To blame the unvaccinated for the deaths of the vaccinated flies in the face of all logic and exposes the absurdity of their plan to alter the world through a well coordinated and illegal population reduction effort.

The Green New Deal is green only in the sense that it transfers the wealth of the American middle-class to communist and third-world dictators.  It is also not new or a deal…….at least a deal other than a deal with the devil.  Gaia worship predating Christianity is certainly not new, but is a central theme to the Green New Deal and presupposes the death of the Christian concept of man created in God's image and humans being responsipble for stewardship of the planet.

The traditional concept of stewardship infers ownership, and the Marxist planners that came up with the idea of UN Agenda 21 and world government have nothing but contempt for the idea of ownership……….other than government ownership of everything including your mind.

The United States of America has been number one target of communist planners and Marxist ideologues for at least the past 100 years.  To destroy the American republic would remove the last major hurdle for the new world Order technocrats that want nothing less than a complete takeover and total control of humanity.  The destruction of private property is promoted by sustainability proponents who argue that “private property is a chief component of social injustice and must be eliminated for just, equitable, and sustainable world”.  This 100% Marxist doctrine is like putting lipstick on a pig……it's still a pig!

Sustainability as defined by the Marxist technocrats at the UN is only sustainable if they are allowed to destroy humanity and industrial society.

 Wake Up America

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