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Was the Covid-19 Pandemic the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on humanity? There is ample evidence it was, and is the pattern for future events.

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Guest: John Davidson is a journalist, marketer, filmmaker, and CEO of Magic Feather Inc. and Magic Feathers Corp as well as a member of the advisory board of the Free Press Foundation. With a 30-year media career working for networks like CNN, ABC, and Discovery, John has devoted decades to learning the ins and outs of the film and television industry. In 2020 Davidson created public service announcements for networks in support of healthcare workers.

Davidson recently created the self-funded, award-winning documentary, ‘Epidemic of Fraud', which details the bizarre lengths public health officials took to declare a drug similar to tonic water. View the documentary and support his work at or via Davidson’s research website Broken Truth.

The number 1 sponsor for most forms of media is, and has been, Big Pharma since 2020.

Big Pharma is also the single largest contributor to national political campaigns, out spending “too big to fail” banks by nearly 20% in recent years.

That massive propaganda campaign created the trillion dollar+ per annum pharmaceutical vaccine industry that grew out of the Covid 19 pandemic scare and the government mandates that sold the idea of being “fully vaccinated” as being absolutely necessary and socially responsible as a patriotic American.

These enormous profits could not have been generated without government mandates combined with the advice of “establishment” medical professionals and hospital staffs to convince the public of Covid vaccine efficacy and repeated insistence that there were NO viable alternative medications.

All doctors and medical professionals that suggested the use of alternative medications such as Ivermectin, Hydroxy Chloroquin, Chlorine Dioxide and other inexpensive alternative cures were met with derision and censorship from government, the establishment medical community, and virtually all forms of mainstream media.

Many were fired or banned from medical practice despite decades of faithful service and unblemished reputations in the medical profession.

Despite ample evidence that the Covid “vaccines” did not prevent or cure Covid and may in fact have been detrimental to our overall national health, many of these patriotic doctors are permanently banned from practicing medicine.

Meanwhile, the same liars that sold us on the first plandemic are telling us that a new “virus X” is just around the corner, waiting to attack and kill us unless we are willing to get fully vaccinated.

Do they really think we are that stupid??

Obviously, big money is driving plandemic panic, and with it enriching the many shills that profit by colluding with Big Pharma.

In 2020-21, hospital wards nationwide were cleared of non-Covid patients to provide room for the horrific pandemic that never actually happened.

Empty hospitals were incentivized by Uncle Sam to find and diagnose all forms of disease as Covid related with $13,000.00 bonuses for every positive Covid diagnosis and $39,000 for every hospital patient put on a ventilator.

A drug called Remdesivir that had an unusually high failure rate in animal tests and known to be extremely hard on the liver was made the drug of choice for hospitals treating Covid, resulting in countless unnecessary deaths in diabetic patients put on ventilators.

Hospital staffs and doctors became paid agents of Big Pharma through lock-step compliance to CDC and WHO Covid-19 protocols.

Why did so many governmental entities go out of their way to discredit time tested and inexpensive remedies while untested and hurried vaccine programs were ballyhoo'd as medical miracles?

Somehow these medical hucksters convinced the sheeple to stand in line and get their shots despite evidence that they don't work, and may in fact be detrimental to our national health and economic well being.

During the 2020-2021 Covid lockdowns: face masks, social distancing, loss of employment for (non-essential workers) always seemed to be grossly over-represented by small businesses and never included government employees or major corporations like Amazon, Walmart, Costco, etc.

Lockdowns were used to shut down America in a way that would be unthinkable several decades earlier. Whatever Dr's Fauci or Birx dictated, Trump went along with.

Then came the Covid vaccine program known as “project warp speed” with the stated goal of immunizing everyone on the planet, starting with the United States.

It seems that the majority of Americans are now conditioned to get in line like the sheeple that they are, and willingly accept what their “leaders” tell them to do.

Moreover, a significant percentage of the compliant got angry at all those refusing to accept the inane and unscientific demands of bureaucrats, or refused to succumb to political hacks who tried to control every aspect of their lives.

As ample evidence has emerged to highlight the obvious loss of our freedoms and the subsequent demonization of average Americans who challenged government vaccine narratives, we need to be reminded that historically most countries that fall into totalitarianism, fascism and communism do so through a series of manufactured crisis and false flag events that coerce people to trade their liberty for illusions of safety.

Was Covid just one more of those false flag events?

The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-22 created a perfect scenario to guide the whole world including the U.S. into unlimited UN/WHO control over citizens in a very surreptitious way.

After all, it is for our own good…………right?

The fact that the entire developed world had surrendered to this group think mindset….including President Donald Trump, seemed to make the whole thing just that much more acceptable to even conservative Christian Americans, but was it a pandemic or a plandemic? (P)resident Obiden has taken it onto himself to obligate the U.S. to follow WHO dictates should a new plandemic crisis arise, potentially including: forced vaccinations, quarantines, lockdowns, martial law and gun confiscations……all in the name of “public health”.

America, Wake Up and smell the coffee. We are being led down a path that will end American sovereignty and entrap us within the New World Dis-Order.

This world disorder will look nothing like the America we knew and loved. Stand up and just say NO before we lose even the right to do that!

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