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Illegal immigration is only one small part of a totalitarian takeover of American society under a radical globalist agenda.

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I enjoy a lively conversation with intelligent people of all political persuasions, as long as a little common sense plays a part in the discussion.

However, some people that refer to themselves as progressive liberals (a better term is libtards), have a characteristic difficulty listening to common sense, and must be shown the light, often through other means.
Rather than resort to violence, I've found that a more civilized way of dealing with libtards is to let them know exactly where I stand on stupidity without actually having to converse with them and unnecessarily send my blood pressure, or theirs, through the roof.

Rather than wear a duct tape sandwich board everywhere, I purchase and wear T-shirts like the one's pictured below.  It clearly explains my sentiments without the effort of verbal communication with nincompoops.

Intelligent people usually break out in laughter or give you a thumbs up, while progressive libtards, being humorless by nature, are offended, and will normally avoid you like the plague.  It's a win-win, but my wife was a bit embarrassed being seen with me until she realized how effective this tool is, and what a great conversation starter it is when we are around intelligent strangers.

The standard fare of today's progressive liberals is a quest to “fundamentally transform” the world to a higher vision with the likes of Karl Marx and other “enlightened intellectuals” (their term not mine) that share an understanding of their own brilliance. Hubris aside; they are convinced that humanity will suffer immeasurable harm if left to their own devices, and therefore enlightened progressive socialists must intervene to determine what is in society's best interests.

No scientific proof or logical explanation is sufficient to challenge their self justification of nonsensical ideas or dogmatic appeals to social justice.  No historical evidence or prior experience could possibly disprove their preconceived notions of moral and intellectual superiority; after all, they are doing it for the “common good” of humanity.

And; although an underlying treatise of libtard philosophy is a committed sense that humans are a cancer on the earth, and all but a chosen few must be eliminated, they insist that they are the saviors of the downtrodden and the poor.

Their perverse sense of fair play tasks them with the role of judge and jury in the looting the bank accounts of productive Americans to redistribute to their “chosen” victims.

Little thought goes into the cause and effect paradigm; when you kill the golden goose, who will lay the golden eggs?

If you suggest that socialism can never work over the long term, they tell you that earlier attempts failed because it was not carried forward by the likes of gifted intellectuals like themselves.  Press that argument forward and they will turn and walk away in a huff, because you are just too dull to understand how they “feel”.  Debating with a libtard is like playing Scrabble with a four year old, only possible when you throw out all the rules of common sense and concede the game when they begin to cry.

Part of the WOKE culture and Marxification of the Media and Academia is a complete bastardization of the meaning of words.  George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 referred to it as newspeak and doublespeak, where traditional meanings of words are intentionally changed to reflect a new definition that is often the exact opposite of the original.

Combine that with mainstream media/academia's version of the “Ministry of Truth” re-writing history faster than we can make it………welcome to the dystopian New World Order of useful idiots.

A perfect example of this re-definition of words involves the term liberal. Classical liberals (what I consider myself) seek maximum liberty and minimal authoritative control over their actions but accept personal responsibility and ownership of bad as well as good life-choice decisions in everyday life.

Classical Liberals usually end up as entrepreneurs because they are free thinkers willing to accept risk, while the new libtard liberals almost always seek safe government jobs, public sector/academic positions and roles that reward conformity and acceptance of totalitarian outside authority.

This dangerous trend has accelerated over the past 3 or 4 decades with total government control of every human action on the near horizon.  It really is time to speak out against mindless conformity. 

If you are afraid to say it, buy and wear it……….sometimes a few chosen words worn are worth several thousand words said, and you don't have to argue with as many stupid people…

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