The Protestant Reformation and unalienable (God given) rights are essential elements of the American system of government “of, by, and for the people”.

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Guest: Nathan Descheemaeker –  and his family raise registered feeder calves in Central Montana.  Nathan is the Chairman of the Montana Grass Commission and a Senior Research Associate and Policy Analyst specializing in federal and local government administrative procedures, land and natural resource policymaking, local governmental relations, and program management. Nathan is also an accomplished musician and a self taught theologian with a love for the classics. Nathan has worked with local governments to identify and challenge attacks on small farm and ranch operations facing increased pressure and regulation by forces and groups outside of Montana, and more importantly, outside of the United States.

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When America became the first true constitutional republic, the concept of unalienable (God given) rights were inseparable from the values that made America the first government in history “of, by, and for the people”. American exceptionalism is directly linked to the Protestant Reformation and the concept of natural law, unalienable rights, the Ten Commandments, and Christianianity as precursors of individual liberty.

Those educators who teach that Christianity was purposely segregated by the founders through “separation of church and state” are not only denying historical facts, they are disallowing a key part of our national character.

The idea that rights come from God and not government, are as essential to our system of limited self government as light is to day. To deny God as part of our American culture is to deny our right to exist as sovereigns and therefore our right to exist. Those seeking unlimited power by government cannot admit any power higher than government, certainly not the power of God. This is the great lie that must be accepted before America can be fully converted to communism. This is also the great lie that we must expose and resist at all levels if we are to save our great republic.

To accept communism is to deny the existence of any power higher than man, with unlimited acceptance of the inherently flawed systems of government created by man. Individual rights cannot exist in a society of collective rights, therefore, the idea of man created in God's image must be replaced with the notion that humans are nothing more special than any other biological species including insects, animals and plants. This mischief allows for Malthusian theories of population reduction and genocide that are unthinkable in civilized Christian society, but fits hand in glove with Agenda 21/2030 programs to reduce man's impact on Gaia (mother earth) through radical environmentalism.

The fact that so many Americans are willing to accept these radical ideas is a testiment to the successful indoctrination of 100 years of liberal education under Marxist influencers such as John Dewey and the Frankfurt School at Columbia University.

The ideas of private property and man's stewardship of God's kingdom are diametrically opposed to the communist credo of common ownership of all things under the control of the state. Property rights foster stewardship principles that cannot exist under collectivism. Private property is the very cornerstone of American liberty that is so thoroughly reinforced in America's founding documents. “Those who can't own property, are property”. This very wise quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson, is the antithesis of the collectivist mindset driving the Green New Deal and the top down Marxist world government scheduled for full implementation by 2030 where “you will own nothing and you will be happy” according to WEF Founder Klaus Schwab.

Under our constitutional system, government was created to serve the citizens, not control them, and made sacred the notion that the right to own property was our right. The oppressive history of European Monarchy and the feudal landlord system weighed heavily in the Protestant belief that your labor was your property and that government did not have the right to take the labor of your hands without your permission. However, a total understanding of what constitutes private property is so much more complex than most people realize; your labor, land holdings, personal belongings, your physical body, the freedom to reason and create, the right to express your opinions and ideas, are all forms of private property that must be defended at all cost.

The ability to speak freely and to think as you wish is as fundamental to private property as any land titles or personal possessions.

The Green New Deal is green only in the sense that it transfers the wealth and property of the American middle-class to communist potentates and third-world dictators. Gaia (earth) worship is certainly not new, but is a central theme to the Green New Deal and presupposes the death of Christian culture. The Christian concept of stewardship inherently infers ownership, and the Marxist planners that came up with the idea of UN Agenda 21/2030 and world government have nothing but contempt for Christianity and property ownership…….other than the common ownership of everything including your body.

The United States of America has been number one target of communist planners and Marxist ideologues since our founding. To destroy the American republic would remove the last major hurdle for the New World Order plutocrats that want nothing less than a complete takeover and total control of humanity.

The destruction of private property is promoted by sustainability proponents who argue that “private property is a chief component of social injustice and must be eliminated for a just, equitable, and sustainable world”. The America envisioned by social progressives deems private property and the accumulation of wealth from hard work and personal sacrifice a crime against humanity, openly promoting a “great reset” that will end private property and bring about their utopian Marxist global society controlled by international banksters and assorted high level technocrats.

The United States of America became the bread basket for the world because of our hard working farmers and ranchers, our abundant and fertile farmland, and the free market forces invested heavily in the research and development of innovations that have transformed American agriculture in ways unimaginable at the time of our founding. It's time to stand your ground and defend your rights and duties as Americans! Should we fail, there will be no second chance!


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