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the politics behind the appointment process

Most folks have no idea how the appointment process works to fill the leadership positions within various cabinet level agencies. Are leadership positions filled with the most qualified individuals as most would expect, or are they filled by political hacks because of insider connections and financial contributions?

Learn first hand from a man who was in the inside and became an enemy of the political establishment because of his whistle blowing over the mis-use of taxpayer funds at the Department of the Interior. Jim Beers spent 30 years as naval officer, a wildlife biologist, Congressional Liaison but was forced to resign when he exposed the misuse of 50-60 million dollars of the Pittman Robertson fund to illegally introduce 15 breeding pairs of Canadian Grey Wolves to the Yellowstone Park eco-system in 1995. He understands how the sausage is made and will tell our listeners how the process works. Please join us for this important exposé.

Jim BeersJim Beers retired from the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 2000 where he served as a career wildlife biologist, US Special Agent, Chief of National Wildlife Refuge Operations, wetland biologist, program analyst, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC. He has a Bachelors’ degree in Wildlife Resources from Utah State and a Masters’ degree in Public Administration from the University of Northern Colorado. He served as a US Navy Line Officer onboard ship in the western Pacific and as a US Navy Courier Officer in the Aleutian Islands. He also worked for the Utah Game and Fish Department, the Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor at several sites in the Washington, DC area.

Since retirement Jim Beers has written over 1700 articles and papers and spoken to various organizations throughout the country concerning environmental and animal rights excesses, Constitutional solutions to the controversies surrounding private ownership of domestic animals, the management and use of wild animals, and environmental harmony between man and our natural world. Although he has had one webpage and 2 blogs over the years, due to the technical difficulties in maintaining them, today he writes for a list of folks that have asked to receive what he writes. He relies on their judgment as to the worth of what he writes as he asks them to consider sharing them freely with others. His writings have appeared in a variety of publications and have made him many acquaintances worldwide.

He has testified three times before US Congressional Committees, twice regarding the theft of $45 to 60 Million by the US Fish & Wildlife Service from hunting and fishing excise taxes intended for state fish and wildlife programs and once in opposition to proposed federal Invasive Species Authority

Join Host Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots

Tuesday's 9:00am Mtn/11:00am Est.

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