Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Free Revelation Movie Screening

5 years in the making, filmed in 25 states with over 40 patriot superstars, REVELATION Dawn of Global Government is resonating with Christians and conservatives alike.

Although highly unusual for a conservative Faith-based film to release in theaters, REVELATION, Dawn of Global Government placed 7th in the nation for box office.

As a special gift to our Freedom Loving friends, we are offering this highly acclaimed film absolutely FREE from April 19-28!

We're sorry the offer has expired! But the movie is available for purchase at a reasonable cost. It is still relevant information and well worth it!

See the trailer and register here NOW!

Hundreds of enthusiastic fans have written reviews urging concerned Americans to watch this critically important film and share it as a tool to educate their own families and friends.

Here’s what people are saying:

“This was exceptional! Anyone who truly loves this country will take an hour and a half out of their life to go and learn. I knew a lot but it sure connected the dots for me!”

“I spent many years in television news and one of the best things that I took away from that experience is… Nothing makes a huge impact like a film can! During my career, I saw many small groups do wonderful things. This is one of those!! May God bless you all.”

“We went last night to see REVELATION….. Amazing!!! My spirit was Sooo stirred…. we live evil times and this was eye opening on so many levels! WE need to get this message out to the public! GO see this movie!!!”

“Like drinking from a firehose!”

“My husband and I saw it and it was EXCELLENT !! I hope and pray it goes well spreading the word for all to see it!! This is so well put together. A MUST-SEE if you love America!”

Register today to watch the movie for free between April 19th and 28th.

Relight the Lamp of Liberty!

We're sorry the offer has expired! But the movie is available for purchase at a reasonable cost. It is still relevant information and well worth it!