Guest: Mindy Patterson

Mindy Patterson - The Cavalry GroupMindy Patterson – is President and Co-Founder of The Cavalry Group, LLC, a national leader in advocating for and defending the constitutional and private property rights of law-abiding animal owners and animal-related businesses.

Mindy specializes in working with animal related businesses, national animal associations, animal agriculture interests, and outdoor sportsmen, leading the charge indefending against the onslaught of anti-animal ownership ideology while challenging the infiltration of animal rights activism in government at the local, state and federal levels.  Mindy's clear messaging and expertise cuts through the animal rights propaganda, and she shares her knowledge and passion for these issues regularly on television, radio, print, and prominent internet news platforms such as Breitbart, JoeForAmerica, American Thinker, and others.

Mindy's firm, The Calvalry Group, is engaged on multiple fronts to protect its members and their animal related businesses including the deterring of unwarranted search and seizure and ensuring due process as outlined in the Constitution.  Her organization continues to challenge the national Humane Society's (HSUS) efforts to manipulate the state referendum process, while also working closely with prominent public policy advisors  to ensure that The Cavalry Group's members' interests are protected and served in Congress while also implementing effective strategies through public relations, campaign consulting, and other strategic services.

Mindy was the 2018 recipient of the American Agri-Women's Veritas Award created from the group's motto, “A Force for Truth.”  Prior to launching The Cavalry Group, Mindy was a corporate television and media producer in Washington, DC and Phoenix, AZ.  Mindy grew up in Arcadia, CA and graduated from California State University, Long Beach with a B.A. in communications.  Mindy lives in Oklahoma with her husband where they spend time with their horses and dogs.