Guest: Randal Pinocci

Randy PinocciRandal Pinocci – Public Service Commissioner – District 1 in North Central and Eastern Montana.  Pinocci is married with 3 daughters, lives in Sun River and works as a property manager throughout Cascade County.  He previously served as a State Legislator for House District 19, served as Statewide Director for Senator Conrad Burns, worked as a Statewide Coordinator for candidates for Governor, US Senate, and US Congress and is very active in State GOP politics.

Randy worked side by side with NRA Director Charlton Hesston and State Republican Chair Ken Miller to establish the first Second Amendment Committee in the US, and is a Board Member actively involved with the Montana Shooting Sports Association, the most proactive 2nd amendment support organization in America.  Pinocci is a BOARD MEMBER of Freedom Force International and a frequent speaker at the Red Pill Expo and at Red Pill University on the subject: “Why fight City Hall when you can be City Hall”.  Randy is a member and leadership Fellow of Freedom Force International and Red Pill University.