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Trust But Verify – Trust But Verify – Trust But Verify – Trust But Verify. A century+ of increasingly omnipotent government should have taught us that lesson.

Most of my guests are very interesting and well versed in the subjects they cover, but a few of my guests are remarkably brilliant and willing to take my audience where very few venture, let alone are willing to discuss in detail.

Dr. Lee Merritt is one of those amazing friends that is completely fearless and willing to go down rabbit holes head first just for the bragging rights of being the first to find the bottom………..miraculously always landing on her feet.

Connecting the Dots

In my experience, about one in a thousand people are capable of layered abstract thought, even fewer able to connect the dots between multi-dimensional abstractions and real life experiences. When I meet someone with that amazing talent, it makes for the most interesting interviews on subjects that few people think to explore, resulting in discussions that summon more questions than answers.

To me, those interviews are exactly what I'm trying to achieve with my podcasts. By selecting guests willing to stretch the limits of human understanding, we are making listeners challenge their normalcy bias and expand their ability to “Connect the Dots”.

The world most people perceive and the world as it currently exists are in two distinctly different universes; one called illusion, and the other called reality.

The Power Elite and their Deep State lackeys have built multi-generational empires of unbridled power, carefully moulding historical events and perceptions into an illusory world. Thus, average folks living under a cocoon-like normalcy bias were sound asleep and unaware as TPTB (the powers that be) lied, stole and manipulated their way to absolute control of the human race through banking and commerce.

As time went by, TPTB power only grew, aided and abetted by controlled corporate media, Marxist academics, and a technological golden age that created the perfect surveillance state.

As is often the case with unbridled power, the Power Elite became jealous about the number of successful interlopers springing up across America and around the free world; eventually deciding that to maintain power, the concept of individual liberty and property must be eliminated.