A healthy dose of skepticism when evaluating the good intentions of others seems to be a requisite for life in the 21st Century. My favorite saying has become “judge your friends by their enemies and your enemies by their friends”.
I know this might be kind of a dark way to start this article introducing our upcoming podcast, but I still have a great deal of concern for the millions of MAGA Trump voters that want to give “the Donald” carte blanche control of everything so they can go back to being the mindless sheeple that allowed this Marxist tyranny to take off in the first place.
Connecting the Dots Video Podcast
Guest: Carl Teichrib – is a researcher, writer, and lecturer focusing on the paradigm shift sweeping the Western world, including the challenges and opportunities faced by Christians. In his book GAME OF GODS, Carl describes a Godless technocratic world filled with a sense of uncertainty and foreboding. In this world an anticipation of futuristic things to come is palpable, and it’s more than a feeling in the air. According to Teichrib, we are witnessing a Battle Royale at the crossroads of religion, politics, technology, and culture. Fundamentally it is a collision of worldviews, and we are all experiencing the shockwaves.
Don't get me wrong, I have been a consistent supporter of President Trump, even more so this time around, and I certainly appreciate his direct attacks on the internal and external enemies of America; beginning with his inauguration speech.
This time Trump appears to fully appreciate the left's visceral dedication to his destruction and has exhibited a steely resolve to stop our national suicide by a thousand cuts; sooner rather than later. “We the People” must provide Trump with a groundswell of grass roots activism linked with meaningful oversight for our own self preservation.
The silliness of putting the management of our republic on cruise control should have ended 125 years ago when our first progressive socialist President, Theodore Roosevelt, started reconstituting America from a constitutional republic into a militarized industrial empire.
His likeness being on Mt Rushmore next to Washington and Jefferson shows how completely we have lost the Founder's vision of American greatness being a projection of Godly, peaceable, and moral example………….not force of arms.