Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Traditional families and Christian standards for societal cohesion are under attack by Eugenicists and NWO elite. For what purpose? The (not so secret) dirty little...


Critical Theory, DEI and Social Emotional Learning are Marxist programs meant to "fundamentally transform" American education. American Universities have been transformed from institutions of classical...

CANCELING OUR KIDS! ~ Social Emotional Learning and Transformational Education

Social Emotional Learning and Transformational Education are Marxist programs meant to transition American education into communism. Cancel culture is alive and well in 2023 in...

DESTROYING OUR POSTERITY- one mind at a time!

The American system of public education has become a stupefying morass of Marxist/globalist re-eductation! Deborah DeGroff has spent several decades researching and dissecting What's Inside...
Codex Alimentarius


Codex Alimentarius is an international program to quantify, label, codify and monitor all food, vitamins, drugs, chemicals and nutrients.  The Purpose? To control all humans,...


We need to learn from history....but that can only happen when we peel back the layers fabricated lies we are being force fed by...

Connecting The Dots with Guest Host Mark Sutherland

Full Show Audio (1st 10 minutes in Video Version Only) Guest: Carl Teichrib – is a researcher, writer, and lecturer focusing on the paradigm shift sweeping the...

AMERICAN EDUCATION indoctrination by another name

American public education has transformed from liberal classical education to radicalized Marxist dogma masquerading as progressivism. Public education has become the latest whipping boy of...

The Transition From Egalitarian Systems of Government to Tribalism

Egalitarianism is under attack worldwide by those intent on replacing individualism with collectivist tribalism and political segregation. The saying goes that "misery loves company" and...


Globalism has taken over many American institutions including political parties and election integrity.  America is losing it's soul.  In the battle for the soul...

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