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Our world and our Christian faith are under attack by the demonic forces of globalism. We must defend our right to choose our faith.

Many people with a strong sense of personal faith have left the Establishment Church behind because they feel that the Church has so dismally failed in its responsibility, and has become an institution of piety more than a purveyor of faith and divine inspiration.

Historically all institutions become corrupted over time as rules replace ideals and dogma replaces time honored traditions, spiritual conviction, and morality.

It's the same with all institutions: spiritual or secular; replacing idealism over time with a desire for power and personal advancement. This transition is not by accident, nor is it unusual.

Connecting the Dots Audio Podcast

Connecting the Dots Video

GUEST: Elana Freeland
Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetics, & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology
Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown
BOOK: Sub Rosa America, Book I: Gone to Croatan (SUB ROSA AMERICA: A DEEP STATE HISTORY)

GUEST: Elias Alias
BOOK: Oath Keepers: TARGETED RED: Oathkeepers, the Mental Militia & Elias Alias

Lyndon Johnson institutionalized the secular church with 501c3 tax exemption laws for churches with the caveat that churches must become apolitical or lose their tax exempt status.

In the process, the church went from protector of natural law and the concept of unalienable (God given) rights, to an extension of political correctness and willing proponent of “acceptable” government policies.

Far too many churches went along with this nonsense to keep their institutional status and provide a “big tent” house of worship for those seeking piety and inclusion without principle.

This attempt to make a church of sorts available to all regardless their sense of real faith led to a mass exodus of the traditional church, just as planned by the secular humanists that were increasingly taking over our government, media and institutions of learning.

Moreover, the National Council of Churches and the International Council of Churches have unwittingly or not become advocates for the most radical plans to replace God with Gaia-Earth worship, unfettered tolerance, the institutionalization of gay marriage, and supplanting individualism with collectivism; all in total opposition to traditional Christian values.

Moreover, the National Council of Churches and the International Council of Churches have unwittingly or not become advocates for the most radical plans to replace God with Gaia-Earth worship, unfettered tolerance, the institutionalization of gay marriage, and supplanting individualism with collectivism; all in total opposition to traditional Christian values.

Although at first glance, this perverse ideology may appear to have disconnected us from our Creator while advancing secular humanism, quite the opposite may also be true.

The undisguised hubris displayed by those secular humanists attempting to destroy our understanding of God as the ultimate source of all life has exposed the depth of their depravity as they openly attempt to re-engineer humanity in their image and destroy the idea that the universe including humankind was not an accident of nature, but was created in God's image.

Faith is a very personal thing, made more personal through prayer and the commitment we must make to God while learning our role in his ultimate plan for the salvation and preservation of humanity.

For some it may be merely a dedication to the study of holy scripture and good works, where others may also seek a much more complex understanding of the enormity of God's creation and the divine gift of the human soul.

Salvation requires of some that they open their hearts and minds to ideas much bigger and more complex than traditional Christian religion would have us to believe. How we seek God in our lives must be personal and a consequence of faith, but also a commitment to continual learning.

Understanding that we have moral and spiritual obligations for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us is enhanced when we find the ultimate power of redemption.

We must continue to grow in our understanding while having the humility to accept our human frailties and seek salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The same education system that has infused our schools with ideologies that promote collectivism, social emotional learning and WOKE racial theories, have redefined words to include entirely new meanings.

The meaning of “occult” is a case in point. Occult has become the catch word for witchcraft or devil worship in modern parlance, while Webster defined it as: “not revealed, not easily apprehended or understood, Abstruse, not manifest or detectable by clinical methods alone, concealed, the state of being hidden from view or lost to notice”.

Although the Holy Bible is clearly divinely inspired, there is historical evidence of inclusion and exclusion of certain works in the Bible at the behest of human prejudice, interpretation and the PTB within the early church hierarchy.

Does this mean there is reason to question the veracity of the multiple interpretations and versions?

Possibly, but it may also mean that faith should have more to do with our connection with the Creator within our souls and knowing that God's blessings include an infinite capacity to expand our understanding of his kingdom through discernment.

We must learn the limitless power that humanity could possess if we first learn to accept him, then expand our knowledge into the world of limitless possibilities that have been hidden from us by the Satanic control freaks representing the New World Order.

Freedom cannot exist in a world of ignorance and dependency on the State. We are one nation under God and must never forget that American exceptionalism can only thrive if we continue to seek God's guidance and understand our salvation as the revelation of absolute truth.