Is weaponized weather being used to destroy suburban/rural homes and relocate Americans into urban areas?
There is a storm brewing over America and around the world that has little to do with natural weather and much to do with global political control.
Connecting the Dots Video Podcast
Guest: Elana Freeland Books:
– Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown
– Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
– Sub Rosa America, Book I: Gone to Croatan (Sub Rosa America: A Deep State History)
Guest: Kent Lewiss is the founder and creator of He is the CEO of Uncensored Freedom Inc. and Freedom Currency Inc. He is a Conceptional Software Engineer and a Pure ~ free thinking visionary who is a legit freedom fighting entrepreneur and who loves to pay it forward and see people succeed. Kent’s intent is to work with the blockchain and cryptocurrency community to build out open source marketplaces and circumvent the coming beast system. FACT is, BITCOIN IS CONTROLLED BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE. FEDcoin Around the Corner?
Does it seem that everything we see, hear, and read has a dire predictions about climate change and how mankind must eliminate our use of fossil fuels and many other natural resources if we expect the planet to survive?
Do we understand the links between the radical green movement, the meaning of sustainable development, and the United Nations Programme for a Sustainable World?
Does Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 and the fact that these radical programs were introduced at major United Nations conferences help you to connect the dots between climate change alarmism and attacks on major sectors of our economy that will impact our lives in inconceivable ways?
Before Americans had even heard the term climate change, weather had been recognized as the ultimate weapon to silence opposition to world government and open the doors to unitary rule by a very wealthy and powerful group of international bankers and industrialists.
In closed door meetings as early as 1968 a small group of the World's most powerful and connected elites formed a group known as the Club of Rome, meeting at David Rockefeller's estate near Rome, Italy to discuss the state of the geopolitical world and develop a plan for the unification of mankind under a oligarchical world government system.
Various schemes were put forward to terrify humanity into submission including a holographic feigned attack by space aliens, but it was finally decided that destruction of the planet by pollution and overdevelopment had the greatest potential to unify all nations of the world in common cause against an adversary that could only be described as “mankind itself”.
This would also provide a vehicle to institutionalize Malthusian population reduction for our “common good” and would justify a full embrace of command economics (communism) through international banking and world government financial control to curb “overdevelopment” by free market economies; chiefly the United States and Western Europe.
I suggest that everyone “Google Search” The Club of Rome and read The Limits To Growth, a book that goes into the details of their meetings and the birth of the whole radical environmental movement by the financial and industrial global elite.
It will help to Connect the Dots between: the U.N., the Club of Rome, the World Economic Forum, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and Richard Nixon, the creation of the EPA in 1972, the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, the 1972 normalization of relations with communist China, the end of the international gold standard in 1971, the shift in Federal Land policy in the early 1970s from resource development to environmental regulation, the rapid development of government weather modification through programs like HAARP.
When you read and research you learn, and the more you learn, the more you realize how nothing in government happens by accident but is part of a much bigger plan that few people actually comprehend.
Weather modification and environmental alarmism walk hand in hand, projecting any unusual weather event as part of a catastrophic man caused “climate change” that, according to U.N. Climate Experts, can only be solved by greatly reducing Western industrial production/consumption and through the redistribution of our wealth to underdeveloped countries.
Meanwhile, communist China, by far the worst polluter in the world, gets a free pass to pollute as they wish.
Communists and socialists in positions of power currently control most of the U.N. Agencies that promote Agenda 21/2030 Sustainable Development goals that drive 95% of all US and UN Government programs.
Four, five and sixG electromagnetic microwave transmission towers combined with trans-human nano-technology are impacting our lives in ways we are yet to understand.
Unusual wild fire events that vaporize buildings and melt the magnesium wheels and glass windshields on cars but leave unburned trees standing only a few feet away are blamed on climate change, and people are being forced to abandon their suburban and rural lifestyles and relocate to “sustainable stack and pack communities” in large urban areas known as 15 minute cities where you are never further than walking distance between where you work and live.
Connect the Dots people!