January 20, 2025 presents the first opportunity in 4 years to clear the American conscience by ending the use of law-fare to completely destroy rule of law.
Connecting the Dots Video Podcast
Recent Biden unconditional Presidential pardons of his family members and fellow swamp dwellers for blatant criminality, is just one more indication of a corrupt career politician turning justice into a JUST-US system for himself and the D.C. well connected.
He, and many of those he gave unconditional pardons are the same career political hacks that drove the completely false narrative that J6, 2021 was a criminal insurrection to overthrow the legitimate government and replace it with a fascist permanent dictatorship.
Sadly, the down- stream media, progressive political establishment, and left-wing D.C. administrative state convinced enough of the naive American sheeple and the visceral never-Trumpers to provide cover for the fact that Congressional Hearings scheduled for later that day, looking into massive evidence of election fraud, were canceled and never re-scheduled; allowing blanket certification of a fraudulent election and ending any attempt to uncover the truth.
Moreover, Obiden, with the able assistance of a fully weaponized FBI and Justice Department, made the MAGA Movement and J6 attendees targets of a widespread effort to intimidate and criminalize anyone at or in the Capitol that day with no-knock searches and lengthy incarceration as felons for acts as harmless as walking into, turning around, and leaving the building, even with police escort.
More than 1,000 have been charged, prosecuted and served/are serving prison terms as long as 22 years for “crimes” that under a true justice system would be misdemeanors at worst. Many more are in the pipeline, some serving time that have never been officially charged with any actual crime, while many others await trial and formal sentencing.
President elect Trump has the ability on January 20 to clear the slate by issuing full pardons for the many political prisoners in the American gulag system. He must then demand additional nationally televised hearings into the weaponization of the justice system against the many innocent J6 prisoners, and seek full restitution for them and their families for the privations they suffered at the hand of a rigged system.
Are there some who were there with the sole purpose of starting and fanning the flames of violence?
Most assuredly there were, and they must be identified and held accountable, including the many FBI “assets” and paid ANTIFA instigators that were bussed to the event with the sole purpose of creating chaos and violence to short-circuit the scheduled Congressional election irregularity hearings prior to certification. A much deeper investigation into the whole U.S. court and Justice system needs to happen……..the sooner the better.
Any and all found guilty of rigging the system must face long prison sentences and fines commensurate with the crime, and those in positions of power and influence within the U.S. Government found guilty of using their office for criminal enrichment or political gain, should stand trial for the crime of treason and their wealth stripped and distributed to those imprisoned unconstitutionally.
It will be dangerous to turn a blind eye to the deceit and lawlessness overwhelming our constitutional system. We must protect rule of law using citizen oversight and civic self restraint to shield us from the abuses of political power.
If we do not severely punish those responsible for those abuses, the criminality in government will only get worse until it destroys everything we hold dear. Most Americans are beginning to understand that something is fundamentally wrong with our government, but the solution is not by increasing the over-reaching and omnipotent government regulation of individuals.
The solution is more citizen participation and control of big government with a return to bottom-up local/State government control of a defanged federal leviathan that is put back into it's place as a servant “of, by and for the people”.
The J6 event should be re-examined and de-criminalized as the meaningful hallmark event that it was; an outcry by a frustrated American electorate that inherently knew that criminality and fraud had “fundamentally transformed” us from an election process to a selection process.
The naive and ever-trusting American people were finally awakened to the reality that if unchecked: corrupt politicians, mega rich and powerful globalists funneling billions in political contributions, all forms of establishment media, election hardware and software developers, and big tech oligarchs, could forever choose our leaders regardless the vote of the people.
At some time in the future, January 6, 2021 might be recognized as a turning point in our national story where average Americans challenged a tyrannical Marxist/socialist group hell-bent on destroying our constitutional system of self governance by melding us into a system of world technocratic government.
Someday the sacrifice of those Americans murdered, shot, beaten, and imprisoned within the American gulag system may stand with the Minutemen at Concord as a keystone event in a New American Revolution where rule of law, not law of rulers was returned to “WE THE PEOPLE”.