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President Trump has started the rebuilding of America with a flurry, but have the technocrats had control for so long that there is no going back?

The world as we know it is being “fundamentally transformed” through nano technology, genetic engineering, atmospheric modification, electro-magnetic modulation, bio technology, and untold clandestine experiments to re-engineer humanity to suit the needs of the select few who currently control the planet through international finance.

Connecting the Dots



How exactly did we get here, and did the election of Donald Trump make things in this regard better or worse? One thing we know for sure is that this transformation has a life of its own, and will keep moving forward until someone or something of immense power stops it.

Although few comprehend the complexity of this control grid matrix, there are many that know something is very, very wrong because their daily lives have turned completely upside down for no apparent reason, and it continually seems to get worse.

The Trump landslide is a manifestation of Middle Class America's desire to return to some vestige of normal, but is that even possible where globalist technocracy combined with man-god hubris have so radically changed the physiology of the planet that there may be no way of going back.

Furthermore, in the political climate of Kabuki theater and managed reality that led us down this path in the first place, what's to say that this isn't just the next act in a serial theater called Welcome to the New World Order?

We should be praying every day for the safety, guidance, and wisdom given by God to President Trump so that he may reaffirm the United States of America as the beacon of liberty and justice in a world gone completely mad.

Also, we must pray for divine guidance for ourselves, and that we may continue to seek truth and return to a world where the difference between good and evil is well defined and humanity is restored to a Godly world.

We must expose the depth of our own deception, and with that the plans by an elite group of international bankers to reduce humanity to a manageable number, all with passive temperaments controlled by artificial intelligence.

This they believe can be achieved by re-engineering our physical world, and through their 4th Industrial Revolution, where man and machine are melded into one.

We must realize just how near we are to this final technocratic synthesis through the genetic modification of our food supply, weather and atmospheric modification, the introduction of nano technology and graphene oxide into our bodies and the electro magnification of our planet through new smart technologies that can control all things electrical from our appliances and communications to our thoughts and human emotions.

What seemed like science fiction several decades ago, are not only in play, happening, and provable, but completely ignored or grossly under-reported by a controlled media that are managed to entertain rather than inform us.

We must expose a particularly malevolent group of moneyed Globalists that see most of humanity as parasitic useless eaters and are willing to use any means necessary to greatly reduce the human population and completely control those who survive.

To understand the nature of globalism, one has to understand the psychology of those having absolute power and control in their hands and see life as a zero sum game as they fundamentally transform the world at our expense.

It has been widely reported as far back as 60 years ago that the Soviet and American scientists were both deeply involved in geo-engineering the planet. Little known Projects like HAARP ( the High Altitude Active Auroral Research Project) were spending billions of dollars on experiments to electrically charge the ionosphere for weather modification, and more recently, to advance technology aimed at telecommunications, for controlling human behavior, and to manage physical health.

It has been recently announced that a second HAARP project is being planned to expand the power of the first. Most Americans were not aware of any HAARP project because most Americans are 50-75 years behind the curve in their scientific understanding of advanced technology available to the military/industrial complex and those in government planning to control our future.

This is for a very specific purpose. An uninformed ignorant man is much easier to control than an informed, critical thinker.

This is why the average IQ and general knowledge of Americans has cratered in the past 50 years despite massive spending on Public Education. We have become a society of easily managed drones, not by accident, but because it was planned that way.

Education and mass media have become tools of globalism to reprogram mankind to be good workers, not good thinkers. Technology has outstripped our human capacity to control it.

Nano technology, AI, robotics, quantum computing, bioengineering……….all things that could advance the human condition beyond our wildest dreams, has the capability to end life on earth as we know it, and most people don't have a clue what we are even talking about. For those of us who do understand the danger, alarm bells are going off everywhere.

President Trump 47 has the ability to stop this nightmare from going any further, but does he have the support of the American people and the divine guidance to complete the task……………….that is the question?

It is frightening knowing that a group of very powerful megalomaniacs that hold God and his creation in total contempt are the ones in charge of this “brave new world” of advanced technology.

It is even more frightening when you realize that these people have proven over and over that they can and will buy the lackeys and useful idiots in elected office that are willing to do almost anything for fame and fortune.

It is time for average Americans to admit that they were shamelessly fooled into complacency and cognitive dissonance in the face of sheer madness.

It is up to average Americans acting in their own self interest to recognize that humanity's future is in our hands and must be protected at any cost. President Trump can start the ball rolling, but we must be willing to pick it up and run with it.

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