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Arizona has become the litmus test for managed election outcomes. It's time to expose the process and how it came to be.

Connecting the Dots Audio Podcast

Connecting the Dots Video Podcast

Guest: Jeff Zink – Candidate for U.S. Congress, Arizona District 3

Guest: JACK DONA – MSG – US Army (ret) and computer security systems expert

Guest: Shelby Busch 1st Vice-Chair of the Maricopa County Republican Central Committee ~

Guest: Garland Favorito co-founded Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA) . Garland is a career Information Technology (IT) professional with over 40 years of in-depth experience and over 20 years of voting system technology and election integrity advocacy.

Arizona has become the poster child of how to steal the election process and turn a solidly red state into a blue state without getting caught…..and if you do, how to wiggle out without facing criminal charges or time behind bars.

It's difficult to understand how the state that produced a conservative stalwart like Barry Goldwater could elect a progressive socialist like Mark Kelly or admitted Marxist like Raul Grijalva.

Key to this transition from constitutional conservative to liberal progressive/Marxist is by electing a cadre of neocon (Trotskyite) Republicans running as conservatives in conservative districts. Noteworthy examples are John McCain and Jeff Flake who talked like conservatives in Arizona and voted like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer when in D.C. Shame on Arizonans for allowing this to grow like a cancer until the whole state has been “fundamentally transformed” from red to blue.

This professional politicial chameleon act serves two purposes; it keeps deceivers and cheats in office for a very long time, and it makes liberal Democrats appear to be more mainstream because their Republican counterparts vote in similar ways while touting their ability to compromise.

Communists know this to be a winning strategy.

By seeking the middle ground between neocon and far left progressives through compromise, they have perfected a technique assuring that the entire country continuously moves closer to the Marxist/socialist goal of achieving totalitarian global governance under the flag of international communism.

Those of us with a brain bigger than a pea call it “how to boil a frog through gradualism”.

Using timeless Marxist talking points like assuring social equity and protecting the rights of minority voters have been at the center of every kind of election mischief known to man including: mail in ballots, same day registration, motor voter laws, minimal/no voter identification, and unverified vote tabulation with computers.

Fair, open and honest elections should be the highest priority for all Americans, regardless of political affiliation. If one party figures out how to steal an election, it's only a matter of time before the other party figures out how to do the same.

The smart thing to do is to create a system that can't be rigged, and that every elected official is made accountable to the voters for their actions.

That can only happen with informed, and proactive voters willing to invest their time to become election watch dogs.

Exposing the election antics in Maricopa, Pima and Pinal Counties for the past 5 years merely reinforces what all Americans are beginning to understand; the process is irreparably broken and will continue that way unabated until saner heads prevail and Americans demand a return to what has worked in the recent past: single day voting, strict requirement of Federal or State issued I.D.s, timely pre-registration, hand marked paper ballots hand counted and reported at the precinct level, a clear chain of ballot custody, and signature verification for the limited number of qualified absentee ballots.

Voting is a right, but it is connected to a prescriptive understanding of the responsibilities of U.S. citizenship. Citizenship anchors the concept of individual rights to a sense of personal responsibility.

To vote irresponsibly, without clearly understanding the candidates and issues, was never part of the Founders original intent and was why voting was historically somewhat restricted.

The concept of pure democracy was the furthest thing from the intent of the Founders. We are not the “democracy” our so-called leaders repeat ad nauseam, and were never intended to be one.

We are a representative constitutional republic with elected leaders chosen by a limited and well defined electorate to represent local and State interests on a constitutionally defined federal level.

The concept of pure democracy is a communist construct intended to falsely portray popular will in a propagandistic system of controlled media and Marxist academics funded by central bankers and corporate special interests that know how to manipulate the vote according to their desired objectives.

The more widespread and inclusive the voter base, the easier it is to control popular will through false perception, ignorance and propaganda.

Pure democracy is rightly described as mob rule by tyrants knowing how to manipulate the easily led.

Americans are being dumbed down intentionally to make us accept the unacceptable and treat our enslavement as a rite of passage into 21st Century society.

On average, American Civics I.Q.s and our understanding of the proper role of government is beyond deplorable, with few voters having the slightest idea how the system works or was originally intended to work. We have a narrow window of opportunity to stress the limited role of government and responsibilities of citizenship. If we fail to act, the consequences are squarely on our shoulders.


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