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When we understand the true goals of globalism, we must understand that America must end as a sovereign nation to meet their goals.

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Guest: Celeste Solum – is an author, and former FEMA Researcher and Study Director turned whistleblower. Celeste has studied the World Economic Forum in great detail and will outline the plans for global technocracy and the end to national sovereignty that is part of this plan to control humanity.

My greatest concern for the future of our nation is that our children have become so indoctrinated with collectivist new age thinking, lazy, complacent, and ignorant of our historical importance as the world's first and only truly representative constitutional republic, that they will no longer appreciate the blessings we enjoy as God fearing Americans, and will walk stoically into their own servitude.

Worse yet, they have already become this indoctrinated and mind controlled because we as parents and grandparents have allowed the “fundamental transformation” of America from the leader of the free world at all levels, to the most indebted, mind controlled, and misled bunch of sheeple on the face of the planet.

At the heart of this fundamental transformation of America is a century long embrace of: atheism, globalism and collectivism masquerading as enlightened progressive politics.

It started at the beginning of the 20th Century during the Theodore Roosevelt Presidency and has progressed stealthily through: government, finance, education, media and business until 21st Century America has become a virtual police state of omnipotent government controllers pushing for unlimited social and biological management of human society on a global scale.

Although many people fail to comprehend the satanic evil at the core of this “fundamental transformation”, globalism requires a complete rejection of Christianity and God as the creator of all things.

This is necessary for the acceptance of ideas that allow men to assume the role of Gods, and the few to rule over the many with unlimited indemnity for their frequently bad decisions.

Atheist/writer/futurist H.G. Wells wrote glowingly about the coming New World Order where man and machine could be combined into a totally new species having none of the frailties and shortcomings of man created in God's image.

Although written more than a century ago, Wells' vision of man's future in many ways mirror ideas shared by the current Power Elite visionaries at the very pinnacles of New World Order control.

Those who control wealth, science and technology have become the masters while most of mankind have unwittingly accepted the role of slave in a matrix of interlocking societal, financial, emotional, moral and intellectual boundaries established by the global controllers.

Although many Americans willingly accept a future where we have no privacy and are watched 24/7/365 to assure that we make only “correct and sustainable” decisions for the “collective good”, many of us are not comfortable with the notion that God should be replaced by man. Knowing that man is inherently evil by nature when left to his own devices, and that all governments become more controlling as they become more powerful, the notion that bigger and bigger government is preferable to small government and individual accountability flies in the face of reason.

Tellingly, those who reject God, also believe that mankind is incapable of managing their own private affairs without the guidance of intellectuals and experts trained to manage others.

What gives these intellectuals and experts credibility? Education of course……….and not the type of education associated with actual work and practical experience.

Their wisdom can only be gained through an education system that is designed to assure conformity and compliance to Marxist ideas that have been baked into the academic cake.

This system was established more than a century ago to fundamentally transform Americans from God fearing individualists and competitive self achievers to good little collectivists that make much better workers and followers than thinkers.

The reason that people like Bill Gates and George Soros are such strong proponents of modern education programs like Common Core are not because they make better thinkers………it's because they make better workers that are incapable of thinking outside the box or leaving the reservation because they lack the skills or the will to build it on their own.

The recent Presidential Election shows that Americans are finally fed up and beginning to understand that completely open borders, WOKE/transgender studies and many other totally un-American globalist ideas that have been forced down our throats for the past decade, are moving us down a road of no return.

They are beginning to understand that a group of very malevolent people would much rather control us than accept us as God's creation.

American voters are finally starting to read the Globalist's actual words and refusing to accept ideas that run counter to our Christian values and American ideals of life, liberty and property.

Do we have quite a way to go? Absolutely, but we are finally moving in a positive direction and must continue without hesitation until we prevail. We must educate, read, learn and listen. Above all, we must not relax and go back to sleep.

To do so would be national suicide and the end of humanity as we know it. Communists and globalists might back off for a short time when confronted, but they will never go away.

Wake up fellow Christians and do what's necessary to provide a positive world for future generations of faithful, enlightened and liberty loving Americans.


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