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America has one last chance to get it right and it is up to all Americans to become the patriots and guardians that make it happen.

Connecting the Dots Audio

Guest: Dr. Harry Booyens is an internationally recognized, multiple award winning PhD Defense & Aerospace physicist. He is originally from South Africa with a 360-year bloodline in that country. He has worked in Research and Development in South Africa, the United States, and Canada and has won a number of awards for his work in both Physics and in Genealogy.

Guest: Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. Wood remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order” which is the essence of Sustainable Development on a global scale.

Connecting the Dots Video Podcast



The success or failure of a second Trump term in office will hinge on two things: the consistency of his support by average Americans & the level of deception of the RINO Party (aka Establishment Republican Party) in supporting Trump and his nominees for top Cabinet/Administration positions.

We cannot afford a repeat of Trump's first term where many of his “professional” political advisors and the Establishment Republicans surreptitiously did everything in their power to kneecap his campaign before he even won the Presidency then, after his inauguration, did their best to sabotage and slow walk his reforms into turtledom.

Although Trump had both House and Senate majorities during his first 2 years in office, many of his best reform efforts were short circuited by RINO Establishment types like: McCain, Romney, Murkowski, Ryan, Collins, etc., etc., that treated the sewer known as DC like a hot tub and had anything BUT draining that all to comfortable sewer in mind.

Moreover, one hundred + years of building the enormous bloated mess called the Administrative State in DC; employing nearly 5 million mostly left leaning Democrat socialist progressives & lifetime underperforming bureaucrats to fill those positions, make any meaningful governmental reform about as practical as using a brick to complete an electrical circuit.

It appears that Donald Trump learned some valuable lessons from round one, and will attempt to fill his second administration with real American patriots and true reformers regardless political affiliation.

However, far too many of his top picks still come from the establishment ranks of Harvard, Yale and Columbia Law Schools and are CFR and Skull and Bones types that smell to high heaven like establishment insiders.

For this reason we need to remain engaged and vigilant from here on out. Methinks that meaningful reform needs to not only think outside the box…….it needs to burn the damned box then use the ashes to backfill the swamp.

We know from past experience and Church Commission Congressional testimony that programs like the CIA's MK Ultra Program groom Manchurian Candidates for top political offices and government positions from birth with the idea that they will be carefully placed in positions of power at selected times of the CIA's choosing.

Case in point (Barry Soetoro) AKA Barak Hussein Obama, an unknown Community Organizer that ran unopposed and became a single term State Senator from Chicago, then won his U.S. Senate Seat vis-a-vis sex scandals that conveniently eliminated both his Democrat and Republican opponents.

Obama served less than half an unremarkable U.S. Senate term, before being (s)elected President of the United States for 2 full terms and one unofficial additional term as Biden's puppet master to “fundamentally transform” America from a constitutional republic to a socialist technocracy readied to fully embrace Global Government.

You can't make this stuff up……….and who says that real life isn't as intriguing as a first class spy novel!

Well, we have been blessed with a second chance to get it right and get back on track to a representative republic that at least vaguely resembles the Founder's vision of government “of, by, and for the people”.

The way I see it, we have two years as legal, responsible, voting, and tax paying citizens to give the RINO party and their Marxist cohorts on the left a meaningful come to Jesus moment; forcing them to be exactly what they profess to be, not the enemies of American exceptionalism they actually are.

The American Communist Party AKA Democratic Party must be exposed as unabashed constitutional oath breakers and deceivers that spent the last umpteen decades trashing and Marxifying every noteworthy American institution from academics to media, banking, property rights, small business, and internet censorship of free speech.

The only way to cure a cancer is to cut it out completely and deny the conditions to let it return. I'm not saying that we should outlaw free speech and the right to have a different opinion. Quite the contrary; as long as it supports the unalienable rights guaranteed under our Constitution, but we should never again become so politically correct that we demonize institutional norms and promote deviance out of some false sense that there should be no historically established moral absolutes.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. America became a beacon to the world for responsible representative government because of our respect for the rights of everyone including minorities through rule of law, not law by rulers.

No one should have the right to tell you what you must think or believe; and certainly not control what you find morally, spiritually, or intellectually offensive.

America's common law-natural rights-heritage establishing that all our principal rights were created by God not government, have been overwritten by more than a century of politics as usual and those who have made a career out of twisting rule of law to their financial and political advantage.

It's time to return America to those of us who cherish and are willing to protect our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS and never again allow Marxists into positions of leadership. If we don't remove them from positions of power, they will lead us straight into the gates of Hell!