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We cannot exist as a constitutional republic under democratically elected representation without open, honest, and fair elections.

When it comes to the subject of election integrity, those of us who have broached the subject are labeled as conspiracy theorists and dangerously unbalanced for even mentioning the subject after 2020, despite the fact that the Democrat Party had been screaming fraud and computer hacking for every election they didn't win since Bill Clinton was President. Election integrity is absolutely essential, regardless of party affiliation.

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots Video Podcast

Guest: Tim Murphy, PhD ~
Tim is a practicing licensed psychologist, author, former legislator, and Navy veteran. He consults on mental health and public policy with national organizations and speaks extensively throughout the US.

He was twice elected to the Pennsylvania State Senate where he served for six years as Chairman of the Aging and Youth Committee, Vice Chairman of Health and Welfare, and member of Appropriations, Banking/Insurance and Rules. As Senator he authored the historic Managed Care reform Act.

Elected to the US House of Representatives eight times, Congressman Murphy was a member of the prestigious Committee on Energy and Commerce, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, and was on several subcommittees…

Guest: Jeff ODonnell ~

know affectionally as The Lone Raccoon, has been at the center of the national movement to restore election integrity since he discovered the many strange election anomalies that happened in Pennsylvania and elsewhere around the country, especially in key battleground states during the 2020 Presidential Election.

Jeff is a forensic computer analyst that exposed the many numerical and statistical inconsistencies that surfaced in the 2020 election and again in the 2022 Midterm Elections. Many of these statistical inconsistencies had a probability of less than a billion to one of occurring naturally, leading him to look into these inconsistencies with the eyes of a forensic computer expert.

To suggest that mail in ballots and computerized voting leaves the door wide open for fraud, or that every state should go back to in person voting at the precinct level, only with valid IDs, and on paper ballots hand counted and tabulated at the precinct level is tantamount to screaming for the overthrow of our government, according to China Joe Obiden and his supporters in the FBI and Justice.

They argue nonstop that the United States has the most open and fair elections in the world despite thousands of eye witness accounts, and clear evidence of, serious problems within the system.

To even suggest a forensic audit or open discussion of the potential problems are met with derision and ridicule. Worse yet, we are labeled as subversives and targeted for sanctions and increasingly threats against our persons, families and property.

Methinks that the louder they scream about the utter insanity of looking into election fraud, the more clearly we have the need to look and re-look very, very hard at the evidence………and there are mountains of it.

Not only have they refused to open an investigation, they have actually worked very hard for the past 4 years to confuse, obfuscate and manipulate the integrity of voter roles to increase the potential of fraud.

The past 4 years have moved us inexplicably closer to a system of technocratic world government that would have been impossible under a Trump Presidency.

Trump was openly anti-globalist and openly America First.

That's why they hated him so much and would do virtually anything to end his presidency, making sure that he could never again threaten their New World Order plan to end America as we know it.

Open borders and unlimited illegal immigration is only a small part of the much bigger plan to end national sovereignty and usher in a unified technocratic world government ruled by a small group of very powerful and wealthy elites that have controlled our national institutions and political parties for many decades.

The January 6 Commission was intended to demonize and vilify anyone with the audacity to approach Congress with a demand to look into election integrity and redress their grievances.

The “Commission” was blatantly biased and selective in examining evidence, creating a false narrative they sold to a sheeplike public that still listened to the lamestream media. Consequently, hundreds of honest and patriotic Americans are serving long prison sentences for non-crimes that in a legitimate legal system would be minor infractions or misdemeanors at best.

Moreover, the desired effect of scaring the wits out of most Americans, making them too afraid to speak up and demand justice has had a very negative and opposite effect for most true patriots.

The endless Trump trials on politically “Trumped Up” charges intended to vilify President Donald Trump have not only failed to ruin his campaign, they are blowing up in the faces of the political hacks pretending to seek justice in an obviously biased legal environment controlled by the Democratic Party.

President Trump has been unflinching in his resolve to stand against this tyranny, and in the process, has proven his mettle in ways that few Americans can ignore.

The attempts by the Left to bankrupt him and force him out of the Presidential race have only enhanced his national stature……………….scaring the living hell out of the globalists and their Marxist fellow travelers living in the DC Swamp, Council on Foreign Relations leaders, and UN technocrats living in New York City.

Even their total control of the Mockingbird Media with their presstitutes at the New York Slimes, Washington Compost, Los Angeles Slimes and elsewhere around the country has done little other than reduce mainstream media readership and viewership to the point that many of these organizations are on life support.

We are being told by these same presstitutes that Kamala Harris is the most popular Democratic Candidate since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. That seems a bit odd for someone almost as bad at forming coherent sentences as Sleepy Joe.

Remember that when Kamala ran in the 2020 Democratic Primary, she couldn't garner even 1% of the vote and dropped out before the Iowa Caucus.

No; this election is going to be the ultimate watershed moment in the future of America. If we allow another farce of an election to occur, we will lose the last best hope for a world of free and open people.

We must turn out in massive numbers to vote, and must demand audits and hand counts in all future elections if we are to keep America sovereign and free. Wake Up America!


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