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To appreciate American exceptionalism we must appreciate the meaning of private property and it's unique role in our national character.

“Unless you have the right to own property, you are property” a quote attributed to one of our greatest Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson. Central to our uniquely American understanding of unalienable rights is a recognition that our rights come from God and not government.

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The unrestricted ability to own property is key to understanding what makes Americans different from every other country in the world, including many “democratic” European nations.

The right to own property is not limited to land or possessions, it includes the right to own our thoughts and opinions, as well as total control over our own bodies.

According to our constitutional republican form of government, we are to have carte blanche property rights as long as they do not directly infringe on or endanger the rights or property of others.

The idea of American exceptionalism could not exist without a clear understanding of the intellectual bonds between individualism and the rights of ownership. That is why the past 150 years of swooning to the swan song of globalism/collectivism has impacted our understanding of property in such an alarming way.

Few people make the connection between property and individual liberty, because very few understand the totality of property, and the fact that property is infinite and includes our souls, our spiritual and intellectual property, our will and physical bodies; in addition to land and possessions.

Collectivists and big government advocates understand the danger of free thinkers and those who understand the totality of individual rights to property, that's why they have worked so hard to confuse the meaning of words and destroy our understanding of the fundamental nature of unalienable (God given) rights.

They openly use fear as a tool to scare our children into believing that mankind is destroying the world through greed and must give up all ownership rights to world government to save “Mother Earth” from destruction.

Now, according to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum; under the “Great Reset” you will lose all rights to property, and “own nothing and be happy”.

When you realize the complexity of their control schemes, you begin to realize that humans, including you, will be little more than pixels in a technocratic control grid that only a select few of the most wealthy and powerful will have the ability to control.

How will this control grid deal with those who resist?

Well, first of all, since you will own nothing and be totally dependent on the state for everything, any resistance will be met with immediate action on the part of the state that takes away anything that supports your life including food, housing, job, travel, entertainment, education……literally everything you depend on to survive and thrive.

Under this draconian system traditional families will no longer exist and population control by the state will be absolute. Humans will be genetically created in a test tube that force humans to be integrated with machines in a process called Transhumanism.

So what do they have planned for the small farmers and ranchers that make up much of the American West and the few remaining sources of non-genetically modified food?

Do they really plan to destroy all private property including farming and ranching that produces much of America's meat and produce? In a word “YES”, and they plan to do it very soon.

They have made it clear that all food, right down to the last gram will be produced by corporations that they own and control. After all, if they totally own and control the means of food production right down to the last calorie, do you really think that anyone will be able to resist their control?

And meat will be only for the elite. The rest will “eat da bugs” whether we like it or not.

Is there hope that this run away freight train of globalist governmental control can be stopped? Yes it can, but it won't happen unless we start exercising our few remaining options while we still have them.

This week we will be looking at the global schemes, federal agencies, and entrenched bureaucrats that have been at the center of more than a half century of land theft.

The fourth branch of government called the Administrative State has ignored U.S. laws and voided them with self made agency rules dreamed up by unelected bureaucrats and the radical environmentalists guiding them.

If you have no idea how the Deep State became a behemoth that can overthrow Presidents and impose totally unconstitutional mandates, join us for this very informative podcast.

And guess what; they now have the power to take this control grid global.



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