The world is spinning out of control, and mis/disinformation from mainstream sources are resulting some very poor decisions and alliances.
Connecting the Dots Video Podcast
I hope that by now my readers understand that my only motivation for doing these newsletters and podcasts is to uncover truth and expose the many lies and liars that surround our daily lives.
Reality is nothing like the matrix of lies we experience every day in the mainstream media that is owned and controlled by the same powerful elite that profit from the endless wars and Democide of humanity.
The saying “all wars are bankers wars” are not only accurate……..they understate the malevolence and sheer callousness, if not satanic zeal of those who produce financial gain from the misery and death of others.
The state of the world is an absolute mess, but we would be naive and gullible beyond belief to think that any of this is not by design. Why would we think that someone or something is not behind the curtain pulling the strings of those human puppets willing to sell their soul to the highest bidder.
The puppet masters have honed their skills over the centuries using fear, greed, sexual desire, hatred, envy, prejudice and deceit to shape our perception of reality.
We see what they want us to see because they own all the public institutions that create our reality. Who are they, and what is the power elite? Well, that's where it starts getting a bit sticky.
That's where labels, name calling, threats and intimidation start factoring in.
You know…….Nazi, anti-semite, right wing extremist, conspiracy theorist, racist, white supremacist, etc., etc., This usually works to stop honest debate on thorny positions that can't be defended by facts. Understand where I'm taking this?
Right now we are embroiled in a nasty proxy war in Ukraine that threatens to end in nuclear confrontation with Russia unless we use a little common sense and realize that we have no business being in Ukraine for any reason.
If that wasn't enough, we have been embroiled in 75 years of Nation building and poking our noses into everyone else's business while we have become the most indebted nation on earth through a Federal Reserve Central Bank fiat money system.
Exactly who is profiting from all this? It certainly isn't the average American. The bankers are the ones profiting of course, and guess who control the international banking cartels? That's where those sticky facts become a bit controversial.
Through billions in political payoffs America has become the single biggest supporter of the nation of Israel, and with it turn a blind eye to the genocide that is destroying the Palestinian Arab population that has been living there for three thousand years.
Any of us who find that fact troubling are accused of being anti-semitic Jew haters.
The fact that Semites are technically any one of 300 tribes and dialects that have occupied that region since biblical times, and that most of the Arab Semites have been there much longer and in much greater numbers than most Jewish Semites gets swept under the rug.
Then let's look at the whole ideology called Zionism that only became an actual political/religious movement with the efforts of Austro-Hungarian attorney Theodore Hertzl in the late 1890s, expanding into America with the help of a Lawyer and Baptist minister named Scofield.
Scofield undertook a reinterpretation of the King James Bible using money provided by Jewish benefactors to promote the idea of a Jewish homeland in the area called Palestine on the premise that God promised a homeland in perpetuity for the seed of Abraham…..but who really are or aren't the seed of Abraham?
Galatians 2 and 3 say that the true sons of Abraham are those who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior……through faith, not because of tribal names.
Then of course, there are the Balfour Accords that coerced Britain into guaranteeing a Jewish/Israeli homeland in Palestine in return for America being brought into World War One on the side of the Allies by Jewish/American interests imbedded throughout the Wilson Administration.
At that time in 1916 Britain, France, Italy and Russia were losing the war to Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Ottoman Turkey. Only America's entry into the war saved the allies from defeat.
Moreover, we may want to consider that according to direct genetic/historical evidence and the work of many scholars……including Jewish scholars, more than 93% of all people on Earth that identify themselves as ethnic Jews are actually of Turkish/ Mongolian/Persian lineage.
Accordingly, they came from a region known as Khazaria that occupied a region around the Black and Caspian Seas, Western Russia and Eastern Ukraine.
Moreover, the Khazars only converted to Judaism in the 9th Century, when forced by surrounding kingdoms to choose between Christianity, Islam and Judaism. You see, Khazars were notably pagan, partaking in animal/human sacrifice, murder, and sexual perversion that even their ruler decided was a bit too much.
He chose Judaism as the least onerous to adapt to his warlike culture.
With the fall of the Khazar Kingdom in the late 11th thru the early 12th Centuries, Khazars were integrated into native populations throughout Europe, but were often segregated for their cultural differences.
Most Khazars settled in areas that now represent Ukraine, Poland and Germany, where they flourished in business, banking and finance and ultimately funded the political movement called communism.
Our podcast will discuss how and why Zionism came into being and what the potential impacts will be for the United States, the world in general, and the nations that share that part of the world with Israel.
Truth is our goal, and only truth will free you from the evils of corporate propaganda. It's hard to make good decisions with false information.