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The new normal is not normal; it is perverse, evil, anti-American and will lead to the destruction of American sovereignty.

America made the choice, and that choice was to remain a sovereign constitutional republic, a Godly nation that honors the blood and sacrifice of many generations of American patriots that cherished, not reviled, the idea of individual liberty under rule of law.

Connecting the Dots


I just finished watching the inauguration ceremony of President Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States. He was candid and did not mince words about the disastrous path that America has been on for many years………especially the past 4.

We must continue to pray that God guides/protects President Trump; filling his days with the vision and commitment needed to bring America back from more than a century of Marxist, socialist, and globalist takeover of our most cherished institutions.

Our nation and the people of the world must understand just how near we were to the point of no return. Although I am cautiously optimistic, it will take a tremendous effort to overturn the deep state infrastructure that spent the past thirty five years in New World Order hyperdrive.

The future of humanity is in the balance.

I only pray that President Trump is much wiser this time in his top administrative choices; recognizing that most of the headwinds he faced during his first presidency were internal ones from Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama Administration holdovers, Marxist Democrats, and the many RINO Republicans dedicated to socialism.

By ubiquitously accepting their loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and allowing them to become part of his administration, they surreptitiously assumed the role of sappers & saboteurs to stymie implementation of Trump's (MAGA) ideology.

Trump is enemy number 1 of globalism and must be careful to avoid surrounding himself again with the ideological globalists that populate academia, media, medicine, law, business, finance, politics, and even religion.

Globalism is not a fringe ideological movement, it is an established fact of daily life. Some would have us believe that it represents “the new normal”. To accept this “new normal” would end American sovereignty and with it, all things that make America a beacon of freedom for the world.

For America to return to greatness, we must seek out and accept absolute truth!

That will require some serious soul searching and will also require us to face some very grim realities………like the fact that a number of our elected and appointed officials are conspirators and traitors to their sworn oath to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Not only must these individuals be identified, they must be tried and convicted if found guilty, including for capital crimes. Only then will we return to a country of, by, and for the people living under rule of law….not law of rulers.

The sticky truth is that for us to step back from the abyss, we must be willing to face many historical facts that have been hidden or swept under the rug for a very long time.

We must be willing to face a reality that may at times seem very dark, but do it in a way that restores truth and justice to its foremost place in everyday American life.

Moreover, we must return Godly understanding, morality, common sense, multigenerational norms, respect for others, and standards of decency to their rightful place in our culture.

All the profiling, gender weirdness, racism, and social engineering that sprouted with the “fundamental transformation” of America under Barack Obama and became even worse under Joe Biden must come to an end.

America must open itself to a discussion between actual scientists about natural and man caused climate change. Junk science and pseudo/environmental science with remarkably inaccurate computer algorithms must face the same scrutiny they did pre Agenda 21/2030.

Let's use real science to separate fact from fiction. In my opinion, the only thing green about the Green New Deal is the lining of many pockets of faux environmentalists installed in government agencies and liberal universities for unquestionably political reasons.

I for one, think it's high time to return to the OLD NORMAL where boys were boys and girls were girls; where you knew, could trust, and would love your neighbor; where you had the right to speak your mind, seek redress of grievance and question authority without having your door kicked in by a FBI Swat Team and railroaded into a Federal Gulag as an insurrectionist.

Let's go back to the old normal where your kids learned to read, write, and do actual math; where history and science was based on truth and not politically correct WOKE ideologies.

Let's go back to the old normal where pedophiles and human traffickers are dealt with severely and government spy agencies and criminal cartels are no longer working together as the biggest illegal drug suppliers in the world.

Let's go back to the old normal where you could choose whether or not you would inject your body or your children with experimental “vaccines”; where young adults could afford a home, and had a job with a future in a country with a future.

During his second inauguration speech, President Trump said that January 20, 2025 will become the first day in the final liberation of the American people. We must roll up our sleeves and be there to help by saying NO to the NEW NORMAL and YES to the OLD NORMAL. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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